Chapter 1: Turning the page

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A raven-haired beauty tried her best to put a smile on her face as she readied to go out of the plane she's been sitting in for the last 4 hours. She would admit, her bum was starting to hurt, and her sanity is slowly depleting. She wasn't really fond of long trips, especially with a bad mood. Paige used to live in Orlando, Florida with her long-time boyfriend Wade Barett, a fellow Englishman of hers. They were doing great, until she found him with her now Ex-friend Alicia Fox in bed, with clothes scattered all over the floor and tangled sheets all over their guilty bodies. For the next 10 minutes their bedroom was turned into an aftermath of a hurricane, and a screaming match with her then boyfriend. She was pretty sure she got some good scratches at Alicia, but that's almost what she can remember. The next thing she did was pack her bags, and storm off the apartment.

Days after the incident, Paige was a wreck. Being a drunken mess in a motel room was not really she planned on doing when she decided to stay with Wade in Florida instead of going home in North Carolina. When she was thirteen, she and her mom, Saraya used to live in Norwich, England with lots of debts, and could not keep up. The sudden loss of her father was not a big help with her mom at all. Luckily enough, Saraya met an Irishman and fell in love with him and married him eventually. That brought Paige a new life and a step-brother, Finn Balor.
After few years of being a family, Finn's dad had a job offer in Atlanta, which led them to move out of Europe, and head to the United States.

Having Paige being a college student at that time, and getting accepted at the University of Tampa in Florida she didn't really get much time staying in Atlanta and quickly moved for her studies. Against the protest of her mother, she stopped her studies when she felt she was going nowhere because of it, and instead tried to have a domestic life with Wade. She thought everything was going great, she was also pretty much sure Wade is going to be the one she'll marry and have kids with, until a few days ago when she found him cheating on her with her best friend, it was all too much for the raven-haired beauty.
The following day, waking up with the worst hang-over ever, Paige was depressed when all she found waking up is a huge space in her bed, and all alone in the room of a motel. Next thing she knew she was on the phone with her step-brother, asking to come home.

-Story of Us-

It was another day in Love Bites café. Same old people with either cranky or bubbly attitude come in and out of the shop. Mornings are the worst for the two employees of the shop, Finn Balor and Becky Lynch, and owner AJ Lee. Senior citizens of the town would come early at the shop, some are just plain old grumpy, and some are too childish for their age, they would even stay up until noon and annoy the three sometimes. Finn's least favorite customers were the two old seniors of the town, Moolah and Mae Young who comes in the shop to flirt with him, and throw inappropriate pick-up lines at him. Everyone in town was much aware of Finn's good looks. For his female co-workers, it gave them great amusement, and ride along with the two old ladies. Summer time is almost coming, which means tourists are going to fill up the town soon. The trio are more than thrilled on seeing new comers from the town, it's always interesting to see new faces and new people, but today is just the same old day.

"That will be 3.95." the Irish lad said as he write the customer's name and order on his cup and give it to his fellow Irish beauty, Becky Lynch. "Great day eh, Finn?" the guy said at Finn in which he nodded and smiled. It was the town's car shop owner, Matt Hardy. They were at a small town in North Carolina called, McMahonVille, a town known to tourist for its nice scenery and vacation houses by the beach and where everyone almost knows everybody for its small community. This is where Finn resided after the family moved at the United States. After few months of being in Atlanta, he decided to move out from his parent's house since he was already too old enough to make it on his own. After a month of his travels of finding where to go, he found the small town of McMahonville and quickly fell in love with it. Now he rents a house around the block, and has to two jobs per day to keep up with the bills. His landlord, Paul Heyman can be a pain in the neck when it comes to collecting his rent. The café is his source of outcome during the day, and also a bartender during Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the town's local bar called, New Day, which is owned by three men that do stand-up comedy at their own place every Friday. The town loves them, anyways.

AJ leaned on the counter and rested her chin on her hands as Matt Hardy received his order and left, which had the place left with a couple of local teenagers at the booth, an old couple, and the receptionist at the city hall, Maria typing in her laptop. Later, Becky decided to lean at the counter as well and commented how dull the day is. AJ chuckled at this, "Dolph is unusually late this afternoon." AJ said. Dolph Ziggler was the town's known playboy, who works at the local gym. Dolph is a regular at AJ's café which he goes to for one thing only; to pick-up girls. Sometimes, girls visiting the small town for vacation with their families or spending their break with friends at the beach who usually makes AJ's coffee shop their first stop. Dolph quickly learned about this, and made the café one of his grounds.

"Please don't say that. Dolph being here picking up women is just plain sad." Becky said in her thick Irish accent. Finn was actually happy to find out that he has a fellow Irish in this town. He would admit he was quite attracted to her when he first met the lass. Her dyed orange locks and beautiful features made Finn's heart skip a beat at their first meeting, but that little-boy crush vanished when she broke the news to him that she has boyfriend who moved away, and they were trying to make long-distance work. That made the Irishman shrug off his feelings, and chose never tell anyone about it.

"You should see him when he accepted my challenge to pick-up women at the New Day bar on a Friday." Finn snickered. The local bar on a friday was mainly composed of men, and locals from the town, since it's the night of when the three men who owns the bar would do their acts and some more locals who try their best to be amusing. Bo Dallas was the town's favorite to laugh at, not because he was funny, but because of how stupid he sounds, and of course how Kevin would shout from the crowd and would start a banter with him. Dolph's typical women of choice who are exploring the town usually leave the bar as soon as they enter when they hear the stand-up comedy acts on-stage. Finn had a pretty good time watching his friend be turned down and fail his many attempts of picking up women.
"I don't know why you keep on letting Dolph use your café to pick those bimbos up." The orange-head woman said at the café's owner. "I feel bad for him you know? The guy's 30 and still hasn't found someone to settle with. I am still wishing that he would find someone here in my café soon." AJ said, defending her old friend. The two Irish shook their and heads and laughed at AJ for her hopeless romantic attitude. "You know that he picks up girls at the club in the city too, right?" Finn asked. AJ rolled her eyes,
"Whatever. You need to give him a break. Having your fiancé leave you for some big-shot guy hurts, okay?" the petite woman shot at the two
"I still hate for Nikki doing that to Dolph." She added puffing out a huge sigh and frown formed on her face as she remember the night Dolph came at her door drunk and out of his mind crying about what her then-fiancé did to him.

Nikki Bella, the town's favorite darling because of her good looks. She used to run the family's diner with her twin sister Brie Bella, Bella's diner. The business was inherited by the two when their parents passed away of old age, and the diner was the reason why their family's name was known for the whole town. The twins actually made a reputation while they were still in school, many students found them beautiful, and deemed as school's most popular. For Brie it was just a phase, and was not really fond of the attention, unlike her sister who has the eyes of most boys, loves the attention more than Brie who is mostly quiet and always behind Nikki's shadows. The two left the town for college and eventually come back when their parents died and have to take care of the family's business, which was popular because of its best homemade pies, a family secret so they say. Eventually, the diner attracted tourists and people from other towns and city for its fine taste and location which led the diner to its success. Brie met the town school's English teacher, Daniel Bryan and fell in love with him and eventually marries. Nikki on the other hand, found Dolph who fell deeply in love with her, and actually proposed to her by the beach which she gladly accepted. Unfortunately, during one summer when tourists from different states and towns were all over McMahonville, a man named John Cena, quite popular in the showbiz industry found Nikki Bella and asked her to come with him in Los Angeles in which she accepted and left Dolph heartbroken.

The two Irish stood quiet, knowing the story of Dolph which AJ had told so many times. Finn's phone rang between the awkward silence, and AJ nodded in agreement to take his phone call, she wasn't a strict boss anyway. Finn headed to the back to take the call.
Right after Finn left, the bell from the entrance that signals someone has come in rang, and had the two female look at the door. It was a tall blonde woman with tan skin and a mysterious scar on her eyebrow. AJ quickly had her welcome face on, "Hi there! Welcome to Love Bites, what can I get you today?"

Meanwhile, Finn saw the caller I.D and it was her step-sister, he quickly picked up as soon as he got to the back, and was met by her crying on the other line.

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