Chapter 3: The Tourist, The Mystery, and The Newbie

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Hey there! It's been a while since I've last updated. This chapter is just a an intro for more characters that's involved in this story. So, here it goes. Enjoy! :D

Renee Young ran a hand through her hair as she let the ocean breeze hit her face. The blonde beauty is one of America's rising authors. A native New Yorker and has lived there her whole life, but the big city wasn't really helping her to write a new book she's planning to publish. It was getting really crazy out there for her and her publisher is right up her ass, so she decided to pay the small town of McMahonville a little visit for a little break as an inspiration for her next hit. She heard good stories and great stays from her friends and co-workers here. They constantly reminded her to try out the homemade pies from the local diner, and get them some souvenir from a music store/novelty shop with a tattoo shop inside, which was odd in her liking.

As she looked on to the sea and watched some families having some fun around the beach, she was starting to believe everything what they said about McMahonville; peaceful, quiet, and a perfect getaway from the crazy world out there. Luckily for Renee, a good friend let her stayed at a beach house they own. She had her whole place for herself with a great view of the sea. Just everything a writer could possibly need.

Renee stood up from her spot and decided to visit the town's center. As she arrived, it was a typical small town with stores a community usually needs and people who looked like they grew up here and knew pretty much everybody. The blonde felt definitely felt like a tourist as she smile and appreciate the town's beautiful architecture. She was definitely far away from her hometown.
She tried to recall the name of the diner her friends told her about while looking around, when suddenly she heard someone shouted from across the street, "GO HOME! SETH'S LOOKING FOR YOU!" a man screamed at a guy's ear with messy blond locks and Renee was sure enough he wearing his clothes from last night, judging from its wrinkle and mess. The blond man who got screamed at winced in pain and hit the other man. The man who shouted started to laugh, and the blond one cursed loudly at him as he walked away. The New Yorker couldn't help, but chuckle at the scene and watch the blond man hazily enter the liquor store.
"What a messed up man." Renee thought in her head. She shook her head and realized she was laughing by herself, and quickly walked away from her spot before anyone thinks she's crazy.

-The Story of Us-

"I'll have one large Coffee Americano, and a medium green tea, please." A tall woman with beautiful long-hair with thick Russian accent told AJ her order. AJ punched her purchases to the touch-screen monitor register and smiled at the blonde. "Can I get you anything, else? We have freshly baked Oatmeal cookies." AJ offered. The blonde beauty's face lit up and started scanning the bakery goods. "I'll have 3 of those, thank you."
"Great!" AJ exclaimed,
"That'll be 4.25." she said as she wrote her orders on the cups, "How's everything down the house, Lana?"

The blonde tried her best to smile, "It's good." She replied dryly, avoiding AJ's eyes. AJ just gave her a grin in return, and noticed her clothes. She was wearing long-sleeves outside the blazing heat. "Honey, it's almost summer. Why are you wearing a hot sweater. Seriously, it's like I'm a sweat machine here. " She said, fanning her face. Lana just shrugged, and tried her best to avoid eye-contact with the petite girl, she was indded a bad liar. AJ also noticed a small bruise on her cheek, but before she could ask her, Becky called out her name saying order was ready. She bid a quick goodbye at AJ, grabbed her drinks, and quickly left the shop without another word.

"You know sometimes I don't understand that girl." Becky commented. It was true, she was a mystery. All the town knew is that she is married with a man named, Rusev who works with Roman as a carpenter. The blonde rarely gets out of the house since the couple moved in town. The only time people would see her is when she's out for groceries, at the café, and in the town's activities with her husband. Nobody was friends with her, so no one knows what goes on with her life.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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