Chapter 12

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Talia POV

"Jason I ... " I say pausing this doofus why would I say no? lol.

"You know what Talia I know I hurt you so I would understand if you say no." he said sadly. dude I swear this guy is crazy.

"Can I finish my sentence? anyways yes I would be your girlfriend you weirdo." I say chuckling. like the people they are the door slams open. Nosy fuckers!

"I knew it hand over the 50 bucks Ian!" Derek said to Ian. Ian gives it to him. boys I swear. We just laughed and went down stairs. I didn't even get to sit down with out Jason freaking out.

"Talia come with me to the hospital they found my parents!" Jason screamed I ran outside with my keys and got in the car.

~~~~~ time skip ~~~~~

We hurried through the halls to get to their rooms. once we spot it we entered. I saw them. Jason's parents were like my second parents. not to that my parents were bad I loved them. I hugged his mom immediately.

"Oh my goodness your safe. me and Jason were worried." I see releasing from the hug

"Oh we were worried too. so how are you and Jason going?" she said smiling

"Me and Talia are dating!" Jason said hugging me

"Oh I'm so glad you dumped that blonde bimbo what's her name? anyways I never liked her."his mom said. his dad nodded in agreement. we continued talking for a while and decided to leave and come back tomorrow.

We get home and Summer is there. she sees us and smiles. wow I think she changed but I can't be sure. I smile back and walk upstairs. I say good nite to Jason and went to my room. I quickly skyped Allie. I hope she's there or else it will auto answer to nothing but a room.

"Aye wats up Tali."

"Well Jason asked me out"

"Did you say yes cuz if you didn't imma slap you so hard."

"Yes I did don't worry and also Summer didn't mug me this time she smiled." !

"Ya she called me to ask how to apologized to you I think you guys are getting some where"

"I don't know?" 'could we be friends ?'

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