Chapter 16

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We each had an individual interview , then Megan asked if she could talk to us in pairs , then as a group , for a short while . It only took about five minutes in total , then she and Ritchie left to start putting our words together into something that would be good for television .The rest of the crew stayed in the house , taping each of us .

At about three , the cameramen turned off their instruments and joined us for lunch . They introduced themselves as Harry , Peter , Simon and Fiona . I couldn't tell the difference between any of them , as they all had short brown hair and squinty blue eyes , and faces that got animated while talking about film . Only Fiona I could tell from the rest , as she had dark brown hair plaited down her back , and clover green eyes she told me came from her Irish grandmother .

“I never knew my grandmother” Fiona told me , “She died before I was born . I knew my grandad , though , we ere very close . He was who got me interested in cameras and stuff , because he was actually a director . His name is Brian Hurst , I doubt you'll have heard of him , but he directed a lot of war movies . He lived through that time , so he was very interested in it .”

“Cool” I said , because it was . I loved hearing stories about people's families , because mine had always consisted of only Mum and Steven . I never had any uncles or aunts , or any grandparents . Hell , I never even had a dad .

I was glad now , that I had a big family , with four … brothers , I guess you could call them , although we couldn't quite be called close yet . I had three sisters too , Charles , Sam and Pommie ; and a set of grandparents , Peter and Isobelle . In less than a week , the band would be going on tour , and no doubt my extended family would multiply again . From what Rian had said , the bus would be packed , and to quote Alex : “You tend to make friends with people faster when you're stuck in a bus with them .”

While the boys made arrangements for Friday's party , Charles , Sam , Pommie and I began researching Vans Warped Tour . Apparently All Time Low had done it for the past four years , each one better than the last .

“We'll be going to 32 States !” Charles exclaimed , “If they're home-schooling us on the bus , at least we'll all ace geography .”

“I hate geography” Sam grumbled , “I don't see why I'm forced to do it – I'm never going to do anything to do with it when I grow up , and if I do , I can -”

“-Buy a globe !” Charles finished for her , rolling her eyes . “We know , Sam , you've told us enough times .”

“Who else is going on the tour ?” I asked . Charles looked back at the laptop screen , and scrolled down .

“Loads” She said after a while , “Mayday Parade , Yellowcard ...”

“You Me At Six !” Sam exclaimed .

I peered over with them . “Forever The Sickest Kids “ I added .

“And All Time Low” Pommie muttered , “Who would have guessed ...”

We laughed . Pommie was quiet , almost unnaturally silent , but she had a good sense of humour , and was all over a really cool girl . I liked her , and I knew that she would be one of those friends that you have forever .

“Hey , you know the party on Friday ?” Sam said suddenly . She turned to Charles . “Who are we inviting ?”

“I was thinking Carly , Michael of course , Julie ...” Charles listed as many names as she could think of . Sam began writing a group text to send to all of them .

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