Chapter 5

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     Miles walks out the room and everyone and everything became completely still.

     'This is too much for me. I have a family out there somewhere, and someone wants me dead. I hope this is a dream.' I think as I walk over to my bed and flop down face first. 'Ok, I can only think of one thing at a time without completely losing my mind. Pick something Alina.' I think to myself. My hands holding my head. Suddenly a thought pops into my head, pushing Miles and my sisters to the back of my mind. I quickly jump from my spot on the bed toward Cora and Michael who are still in the room.

     "Prove it! Prove to me that this is real!" I shout.

     "Well, you already know that the animal spirits exist with first hand experience."Michael points out.

     "How do you know I'm one? Who's to say you have me mixed up with someone else?" I ask. They both stay right where they are, just thinking until a "eureka" look appeared on Michael's face.

     "We can bring out your spirit and introduce you to it." Michael suggests.

     "Wow, Michael, it's rare for you to have a good idea. Or ideas in general." Cora mocks with a smirk

     "Ha ha ha. Just for that, I'll leave this up to you, butterfly." Michael chuckles and jumps on my bed, getting comfortable.

     "Don't mind if I do, wolf" Cora replies with a laugh and comes toward me. She holds out her hands, indicating to hold mine out as well. Cora takes a gentle hold of my hands and we stand there in silence. An awkward silence. Surprisingly enough, my sisters have been quiet up to this point. I see them in the corner of my eye, Excitement clear on their faces as they wait patiently for what's to come.

     Any day now.

     A sudden soft purple glow starts radiating from her hands, and within seconds mine began glowing a light green. I stare at the heart warming glow which brings a smile to my face. However, it was too good to last as the light began to become stronger to the point where I can't keep my eyes open. It takes a few seconds for the light to die down and for me to open my eyes again. I look back down again to see the light from both our hands are gone, and Cora had released my hands. I look up to see Cora and Michael staring at me with odd faces. Michael had his mouth gaping at me and Cora had an excited look on her face.

     "What's wrong? Did something happen to me?" I ask with my head slightly tilted.

     "Go look in the mirror." Cora motions me toward the mirror as she stares at whatever is above my head. I leap from the bed and take three steps to my mirror.

     There is no way this is happening.

     My hands slowly reach up to the top of my head where Cora was staring at, and I feel something fluffy, and it isn't my hair. There are black cat ears on top of my jet black hair. They began twitching from the slightest touch of my hand which sent a shiver down my spine. Before I could say anything, something else caught my attention in the mirror. Something swishing back and forth behind me. I look behind me to see something to match my new ears.

     "Please don't tell me that's what I think it is." I squeak as I reach out to touch the swinging appendage attached to me. I grab the black cat tail and stroke it, feeling the soft silky fur as it began to curl a little at my touch which sent another shiver through my body.

     "Pretty neat! Man, this reminds me of when I first saw my wolf ears and body hair." Michael sighed with a grin.

     "Ok, that's gross Michael. No one wants to know about your body hair." Cora shivers in disgust.

     "This is crazy. How did you guys do that?" I ask in amazement.

     "Usually we aren't supposed to do this because people have to learn to do it themselves. However, we can teach you how to be able to have your new appendages appear and disappear at will." Cora explains. At that moment the trio tumbled into the room once again with huge grins. "Also, in this situation, pretty sure this is an acception. Suddenly I feel several hands on my tail and giggling from behind me. I turn my head only to see my sisters petting my tail.

     "You guys really need to learn not to barge in and eavesdrop on grownups." I commented. There's no way they're off the hook that easily for eavesdropping in my room.

     "You're not a grownup yet!" Rae yells.

     "But I'm older than you. This is important stuff we are talking about. Something you don't need to be involved in." I yell back a little too harshly. Their playful energy died down, and was replaced with frowns, looking anywhere but at me with tears forming in the corners of their eyes.

     Aren't I the smart one.

     I turn away from them, and as if I have known how to do it my whole life, I flick my tail across their faces gently, making them giggle and smile again. "I don't mean to be angry with you guys. There's just so much going on," I start, and then turn toward Cora and Michael, "I think before we go any further with this princess and animal spirit stuff, I should have my talk with Miles. I feel bad that so much is being spilled so suddenly to him and to me." I finish with a frown. With that, I head downstairs only to have my attention caught by something swishing in front of my face. I look up to see Hunter hanging onto the railing at the top of the stairs with his ears and tail out.

     "What are you doing up there?" I ask.

     "Just hanging. Did they finish talking to you? We don't have time for a stroll down "Candy Land". Hunter says with a sly grin.

     "No we didn't finish yet, but I have something important to do before I go any further." I explain with a huff and continue down the stairs until I stop again with Hunter jumping gracefully right in the step ahead of me. I'm forced to take a step back to gain some space between us, but with every step I take back he takes one toward me. When I move to turn around I feel the back of my heel hit the step, making me lose my balance. I put my hands behind me to cushion my fall a little and save my back from getting crushed. When I look up, Hunter is right on top of me with that jaw dropping smirk that almost makes me want to lean in toward him.


     I just staring into his amazing dark blue eyes and he stares into my plain brown eyes.

     "Why did you kiss me yesterday?' I blurt out, my will melting under his stare.

     "Why wouldn't I kiss you?" He counters

     "Don't avoid my question." I scold as best as I can while being in a vulnerable position. We just keep looking at each other in silence.

     "He's almost good enough to eat."


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