Chapter 13

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     "C-cancer?" I think I'm gonna pass out from the overload my brain has to endure.

     "Yes, Mr.Harvey has a small tumor on the left side of his brain." I stop her before she can go any further.

     "I'm sorry I need a minute." my voice cracks as I walk toward another waiting room closer to where we are. As soon as I sit down I couldn't hold it in anymore, and all my tears that had been held back for years come out. A few sobs escape my mouth, but for the most part there are just tears endlessly dripping from my eyes.

     "I'm so sorry Alina. I wish there was something I can do."

     'What do you care? You don't even know him!' I yell in my head where only Artemis can hear me.

     "I know him just as well as you. I may have been put to sleep for a long time but- "

     'Exactly! You weren't around! How could you possibly know him?' I cut her off.

     "I am you, and you are me. When you were little Miles would tuck us in at night and while you were having your conversations with him I had my own. I talked to him even though he could never hear me. I talked to you all the time hoping my voice would reach you. Ever since we were forced to leave our home I have only had one wish for you. That you would be safe." I hear the desperation in Artemis's voice and it kills me.

     'You made a wish? For me? What about you? You're apart of me right?' I wonder.

     "I am just your animal spirit Alina. I am apart of you, but I don't make up who you are. I guess when you really get down to it animal spirits are pretty strange. We are one and the same, and at the same time we are completely different."

     'It's hard to put into words, but I get what you mean.' I pause. "I'm sorry I yelled. I just-' this time I'm cut off.

     "I know." she trails off as if she's thinking of something else.

     'What? What are you thinking?' I ask.

     "What do you mean?" she still sounds like she's in a daze.

     'Something else has your attention. Now what is it?' I ask again.

     "I was just thinking how it would be nice if we had our mate to comfort us right about now." I roll my eyes. "See! I knew that's how you would react, that's why I didn't say anything!" she half laughs and half yells. It makes me want to laugh a bit, but then I'll look insane in front of the whole hospital. I take a deep breath and wipe away any remaining tears.

     'We'll talk about that later. Right now, I need to see Miles.' My eyes begin to focus more on my surroundings, and I notice a warmth blanketed over me. I look up to see Michael with his arms around me in an embrace.

     "Your eyes were glowing." I understand immediately. "You should be careful when and where you and your spirit talk for more than a few seconds."

     "I'm sorry." I feel compelled to apologize for making him cover for me, but Michael just gives me a cheesy smile in return.

     "You ready to see the doctor again?" he asks. I nod my head, still a tad scared that I might break down all over again.

     By a tad scared of course I mean more than my heart can take.

     We walk back around the corner and quickly spot the doctor behind a desk quickly skimming through patient files. Next to her, on top of the paper-cluttered desk, is Miles's file and I try to swallow the lump in my throat.

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