This Ain't a Scene

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"Get it through your head, Commie! I'm going to win this fucking power battle, just like I won the last one!" Alfred yelled, slamming the pen he was wielding like a dagger into the wooden top of the meeting room table.

"As if! And your pathetic MOAB was pitiful at best, much less able to beat the weaponry that I have stored away in my arsenals!" Russia yelled back, smaking his pipe into the drywall behind him, creating a large, caved-in hole and showering plaster dust everywhere.

"Oh, please. If you're going to lie then don't make it so blaringly obvious!" he set a hand on the table calmly. Then, out of nowhere, launched himself over it and onto the other side, standing mere inches away from his long-term enemy. "Especially if you're talking about your sad excuse of a comeback with the 'Father Of All Bombs'."

Ivan snorted in duisgust, backing up so the two weren't so close together. He could feel his face heating up, although if from anger or something else he wasnt sure. "If you are referring to the newest bomb that I have developed that is at least four times more deadly than yours, then you must be just as stupid as you look, comrade."

Alfred laughed, obnoxious and threatening all at the same time, but not positive or light in any sense of the word. He brought his hand up to wipe away a non-existant tear, even going to lengths enough to take off his glasses, wipe off the lenses with his undershirt, and place them carefully back onto the bridge of his nose. Then, dark, quiet, and sharp, "You have no idea what I'm truly capable of, do you, Vanya."

Suddenly, and in perfect sync, they pulled out the guns on their person; Alfred from his chest holster and Ivan from somewhere in his coat. The pistols were pointed straight down each other's barrels, and both of them stood unnervingly still, as did the rest of the room. "Well Russia, your move," Alfred added smartly.

But before either of them could move on to true combat, China stepped forward, between the two, and shoved their guns down. "You two! Now is not the time to be fighting amongst ourselves! Quit making such a scene!"

Guns now at their sides, dangling uselessly, they looked at each other, to china, then back at each other.

"This ain't a scene," Alfred said, slipping into a more southern accent.

"It's a goddamn arms race," Ivan finished, not breaking their stare.

Both of them cracked slightly off-kilter grins, before almost bursting into fits of barely-contained laughter, joined by a few others (namely Canada at the back of the room), while some of the older nations looked at them warily. They continued songing the song back and forth to each other, almost as if they had practiced it before...

"You've all gone mad," added a disconcerted Austria from near the window.

i can explain

actually i cant

but you know roderich would not be happy about this turn of musical events.

and yes, person-whom-i-cant-remember-the-whole-url, im going to do that 'cold war high on lsd' shot soon...

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