#1 - It Begins

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  • Dedicated to Nobody

Immaturity Time- 

Alrighty people, from now on you shall all be known as my Substandard Book That Really Isn't A Book's Minions And Partners In Crime (or SBTRIABMAPIC. For pronunciation, you'll be known as Subtriabimapic. Well, Subtriabimapics for proper grammar as this is a writing blog/book. Hm, ends in Mapic. I might as well call you my Manics then!)  

So, Manics, how has it been? What? We've never even met? Okay then, I'm BookBanshee, and if you haven't noticed in my paragraph of unprogressive rambling, I write. I write, we write. I write in Microsoft Word, you probably write in Wattpad; what's new guys? 

In all reality, guys, Manics, I have really come a long way with my writing and improved (well, I hope so) such a long way. I am not the overlord of writing (good lord, I use spellcheck for Pete's sake!) though I am always looking out for a way to improve to a soft, yet gripping, poetic style (well, again, I hope) The truth is, somewhere over the rainbow I hope to go somewhere with these typed-up words made by a teen. Anything else? I am a rider (horseback, the best kind of riding - in my and about a million other people's opinions. Hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion!) and a biology enthusiast.  

This blog is something I'm dedicating to lameness, immaturity and just for a little bit of INFORMATION POWER! Back to immaturity time people!  

Just some info: 

-favorite book series: Harry Potter series, do you need ask? Mkay? Got it.


Okay, so there will be six categories, and "Write On" will be posted whenever I have time. So I really don't expect this to get anywhere more that one or two reads (reads, not even votes or fans): 

Immaturity Time (above) 

Book Recommending Time 

Utter Fugliness 

Your Turn, Manics 

The Writing Process 


and Extras



Book of Recommendation: 

Going Bovine by Libba Bray 

If there is one writer that needs to be commended, it's Libba! Her style is rich, descriptive, and dark, yet surprisingly funny all the way through. At first, I was a little iffy through the book, but the end closed it together with a level of realism and sympathy that will make you crawl into a corner and think about what just happened in that one sitting you just blasted through this.  

The plot is about a stoner (yes, stoner. He is a bit of a jerk, so that kept me iffy.) named Cameron diagnosed with Creutz-Jakob's (or Mad Cow) disease. Crazy? Yes. A prick of a character? Yeah, I guess. Funny? Hell. Yeah.  

I give this book a 4 out of 5 bookworms.

Utter Fugliness: 

Bumped by Megan McCafferty 

No. That's all I can say. The basic plot is when a virus makes every girl over the age of 18 infertile, twin sisters that were separated at birth are involved in a mixup. Sounds exciting, jarring and creative when you hear about it and pick it up at the first time right? Hahahahahahaha. We're both a bunch of f****ng idiots. 

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