Ten Rules.

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There were 10 Rules.. 10 rules to coexisting with The Watcher. 

Rule 1: Never, EVER under any circumstance, make contact with the Watcher.

Rule 2: Never travel out in open spaces

Rule 3: Small Spaces are your friend, The Watcher is too big to fit through small spaces.

Rule 4: Fighting the Watcher is useless

Rule 5: If you think you're alone.. you aren't.

Rule 6: Never sleep in one place for long.

Rule 7: Never touch the Watcher.

Rule 8: The Watcher never sleeps.

Rule 9: The Watcher never stops hunting.

Rule 10: The Watcher is always watching.

These were her rules. Mina's rules.. her only rules for living in her daily life. Living with the Watcher was inevitable.. learning to avoid the Watcher.. was all that kept her alive..

She awoke that morning.. her eyes staring up at the desolate, dusty metal ceiling.. Her back was lying upon hard metal.. 

That was what this world was made of.. metal caves.. filled with desolate machines.. destroyed.. some still running.. some silent and dead... 

Mina sat up.. rolling out from under the dusty metal table and standing up..

The tunnels were rectangular in shape.. dark..  and dusty terminals stood silent side by side..  Parts of the ceiling in the hall had wires and tubes hanging from it..  and just in the field of Mina's vision, the table in front of her held a tiny spider, crawling lazily along..

"Why hello there." said Mina, smiling at the spider, a rare sign of life in this desolate place besides the small animals that served as her food.

Mina was an athletic girl.. with black poorly cut hair of medium shoulder length. How she learned to talk, she didn't remember.. how she learned to speak, she didn't know, as she had never spoken to another human being in her life..

All she knew.. was the Watcher..

Speaking of which..

Mina's breaths echoed through the chamber.. as she suddenly heard something else... the only other sound in the entire place other than herself..

"Clack... clack... clack... sheeeeen....."

Metallic, blade-like claws... scraping against the floor.. drawing closer... and closer..

Mina immediately held her breath and shivered. So... it was already up.. Mina cursed herself in her mind.. she usually woke up before it could catch up... but it appears she overslept by a few minutes..

Shivering.. as she struggled to keep silent.. she moved slowly forward....

One leg forward... okay... another....

She moved sooooo slowly... each.. and every step.. and hand touch, was taken with very, very, very careful precision.

Then she felt it..

The most terrifying thing in the world. Something she hadn't felt in 3 years..

A hot breath down her neck...

a red light filled the hall in front of her, illuminating her shadow.. as she heard claws scraping the metal floor.. inches from her feet... 

The hot breath continued to heave repeatedly, as Mina stayed as still as a statue.

The Beasts of Ire: The WatcherWhere stories live. Discover now