Sarah Crowsworth.

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"Where are you going!? come on! Slow down will you!? This is HIGHLY unusual and I have to say it isn't fitting of a savage to treat a Noble this way-!"

Mina rolled her eyes as Sarah tripped and stumbled after her, the two of them making their way through various empty metal halls, past sliding doors and dim lifeless machines. Of all the humans she could have first contact with.. it had to be a blithering idiot..

"Will you just Shut UP!" Mina rasped, speaking in a loud hoarse whisper. "In case you haven't figured it out yet Lady Lunk-Head, we're being hunted by a damn monster!!"

"Well I'd imagine it's given up by now." said Sarah haughtily. 

"it.. NEVER gives up.. do you understand me!?" Mina said, her eyes wild. "it Never.. EVER gives up.. it's hunting us now, waiting for us to make just one tiny mistake.. the tiniest mistake is all it needs.. and it will find us and tear us to pieces.. That is the Watcher.. "

"Never.. but.. how long has it been hunting you then?" stammered Sarah. 

"All my life.. " said Mina.. "Ever since I've remembered. If you want to live to a ripe old age.. I suggest you start by being friggin quiet."

Sarah stared at Mina for a minute, then nodded, looking fearful, as well as trying to look dignified at the same time (though failing at it due to the fear streaming through her.)

"B-but.. then.. if it's really that horrible in here.." Sarah said, as she continued to follow Mina through the halls, and Mina stooped down next to a few machinations and began picking up a few bits of salvage. "Then.. why don't you leave?"

Mina rolled her eyes, and took out a roll of parchment. She nodded at Sarah, beckoning her over to an old metal table.

The room they were in now appeared to be a mess hall, filled with dust covered long metal tables and benches, and a door next to a unique window where people could probably be served from the kitchen

Mina spread the large roll down on a table, setting her pack on a nearby bench, to reveal an intricate map drawn on it, with rough detail.

"I've mapped every single part of this place.. this ruin." said Mina. "I've never found a way out.." 

"Then.. if there's no way out.." said Sarah. "How.. did I get in?"

"You tell me.." said Mina.

Sarah frowned, scratching her chin. "Well.. I.. was sitting in my car, being driven to a VERY important meeting between Rovenians and Malecors.. allies to the Vernian Throne, of which I am the heir..  when suddenly we hit a snag in our journey.. the car broke down.. and I stepped out... and... the next thing I know.. I'm waking up in this pile of scrap heap.. with you and.. the Snatcher or whatever.."

"The Watcher.." said Mina curiously as she walked around Sarah, eyeing her dirty fancy dress with interest. "So.. you're Princess Crowsworth? I've.. never seen you on the Viewers.. my access to News of the outside world is limited in here.. could you.. tell me more of the outside world?"

"Maybe.. if we get OUT of here first." said Sarah. "I assure you Savage.. if you escort me out of this place soon, you WILL be handsomely rewarded."

"I already told you... there's NO WAY OUT." said Mina. "You'll have plenty of time to tell me what you know of the outside.. while we're making camp somewhere safer than this.."

"No.. NO!! There HAS to be a way! I didn't come here out of nowhere!" Sarah stammered. "Please!!.. look.. over here.. what about this!? Over here!?"

Sarah pointed a giant empty gap in the middle of the map.

"The Lost City?" said Mina with a laugh. "Let me tell you something about Open Spaces in this place.. they're a buffet..  for IT..  It's sight.. sees farther than any of the few things that live down here.. and when you're down in the open spaces.. there's no way it'll confuse you for one of those.."

The Beasts of Ire: The WatcherWhere stories live. Discover now