The Encampment

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The two large eyes blinked.. as a massive shadow began to crawl out of the entrance. It was too dark to see what the Watcher looked like from here... but the glint and gleam of metal could be seen in what little light streamed from the cracks in the cave city's ceiling miles above.. 

It's slow heavy breath caused  the dust around it to fly off a little.. a clinking sound was heard with it's every step as it's claws tapped against the street.

"Shhhh.." Sarah heard Mina whisper to her as she placed her hand on her shoulder. 

No need to tell her twice.. Sarah was desperately trying her best to hold her breath. Somehow she felt like the Watcher could perhaps sense her breathing..  ridiculous of course, since Mina had just shushed her without much worry. 

How did she even end up in here? That's what Sarah kept on wondering. If those idiots with guns from before were responsible, they wouldn't have needed to come bumbling around looking for her.. before the Watcher decided to turn them into a meal... and Mina decided to stick a Goblin Made Tesla Sword down one of their throats. 

Sarah didn't want Mina to know this.. but Sarah actually felt an immense sense of awe for Mina. She was like some sort of badass. It wasn't long since Mina had her hand broken.. and she had instantly wrapped it in cloth and shouldered the pain like it was nothing..  and the way she handled herself.. it was cool almost..

However, Sarah had been taught long ago that associating with lower class homeless degenerates would distract her from her royal duties. Her father would tell her to cut ties with this girl as soon as her role was finished. Her job was to care for the poor and figure out how to lift poverty, but not to socialize with them.  Getting personally involved with the public compromised judgment.. it was harsh, but it was a ruling method that had benefited the country well. 

Besides, Sarah had the distinct feeling Mina was incredibly annoyed by her. Sarah couldn't blame her, the way she kept on yelling about when an invincible monster was hunting Mina 24/7 was probably aggravating..

Speaking of the monster..

The Watcher's Hulking shape prowled past the doors of the building they were in.. from what Sarah could deduce.. it seemed to walk on four legs.. walking and prowling in much the same way a canine would.. or perhaps a dragon..

It's eyes clicked and whirred, as slit-like pupils roved over the two red flashlight-like lenses..  and drool trailed from the creature's barely visible jaws.. 

The massive red eyed shadow than moved on..  and Sarah couldn't hear anything after that..

"I.. think we're good." Sarah whispered.

"No.. we're not." whispered Mina. "When it's quiet, that means it's just standing still nearby, trying to fool us into thinking it's gone... we wait until we hear it's steps continue moving and fading into the distance.."

Sure enough.. as Mina said.. Sarah heard more clinking.. slow and steady.. fading slowly until it was no longer audible.

"Now we're good." said Mina. "ok.. now we're going to go up to the topmost floor.. find a window so I can get our bearings and come up with a route to the center of the city at the very least. If I can find buildings close together, we can keep hidden by going from building to building.. if the Watcher comes inside, then we can just go up the floors and hide someplace small and secluded.. "

"Right." said Sarah.

"From here on out, this is uncharted territory.." said Mina as she stood up and shouldered her sheathed Tesla Sword. "Meaning I know what's coming next about as much as you do.. so its more important than ever that we play it cautious. Come on.. let's hurry.. and search for supplies as much as you can.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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