Chapter 9

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Ashton's P.O.V

When I first saw Luke enter the mall with his mother, I thought I was just seeing things. Of course, I was still angry at myself for losing my temper at Luke 7 moon rises ago, but I couldn't just shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

I had followed Luke and his mother until they entered one of the many 'stores'. They were in there for a very long time; at first, I thought they were staying there, but then Luke walks out looking slightly irritated.

I follow him until he turns and bumps into another man. I immediately sit down on one of the empty seats and try to make it look like I was doing something as I watched over their interaction. They seemed to get aggressive towards each other; the man then shoves Luke back and then I hear a high whistle sound. The 3 men sitting across me get up and walk towards Luke. The first man shoves Luke out of view and the others follow.

I wasn't sure what to do, but I knew that Luke was in trouble. I got up and rush towards where the men took Luke. I barged into the room and saw two men holding Luke to the wall, one kicking and punching him, and one standing near where I entered.

"Hey! You leave him alone!" I shout loudly.

The man near the door looks up and charges at me. I'm not sure how, since everything was moving so quickly, but I somehow managed to punch him in the face; causing him to hit the ground with a large thud. The other 3 men look up and the two of them drop Luke into the floor and rush at me as well.

I punch one in the face and then kick the other man in the stomach. They both stumble backward which causes the third male—the one Luke ran into—to join in the fight.

I wasn't sure how I took out all three of them at once—I honestly think that two of them took each other out by knocking their heads together on accident—but I did it.

I immediately rush towards Luke who was on the ground barely breathing.

I lift his face into my hands and try to make him stay conscious. "Luke? Luke, can you hear me? Luke, are you okay?"

Luke's eyebrows furrow slightly and he tries to open his eyes. I wasn't sure what he was thinking, but I just hope that he wasn't dying. I wasn't sure what I should do; should I get his mother? Should I call for help?

Before I could figure out what I could do, I heard Luke trying to speak.

"Ashton is that you?" Luke mumbles almost silently.

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay. Yeah, it's me, Luke. I don't know what to do," I tell him worriedly. I know that the last time we talked we had a huge argument, but I knew that I had to help Luke.

"Ashton," Luke breaths out with a smile. "I'm okay; just a little woozy."

"Luke, you're definitely not okay," I tell him sternly while helping him sit up. "You were just beat up by 4 really big Alpha males; I find it hard to believe you're just 'a little woozy."

Luke furrows his eyebrows then tries to look up at me, but his eyes don't really go where he wants them to. "If there were 4 'really big Alpha males' then how come you beat the crap out of them?"

I pause for a moment. He was right; how did I take them all down? I look over towards the 4 men who were still sprawled on the floor. They were all bigger and stronger than me...

"I don't know," I reply softly.

"M'kay," Luke says. "Well, I don't know about you, but I don't enjoy sitting on the bathroom floor."

"Oh, right," I say. I gently yet firmly grab onto Luke's hands to help him stand up. He wobbles a bit so I hold onto his shoulders. "Can you stand by yourself?" I ask worriedly.

✔️Beauty and the Beast -L.H. + A.I. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now