Chapter 14

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Luke's P.O.V

We had taken my car down to the park, where Ashton and I were currently sitting as the sun began to slowly set. I had given him my extra pair of sunglasses and a plain red flannel button up that I had tied around his waist just in case he got cold due to the wind; which caused Ashton to keep pushing the hair out of his face.

"Ugh, why is hair so annoying?" He complains before just laying back onto the ground.

I let out a laugh and pull a hair tie off my wrist. "Do you want to have it pulled back?" I ask. He looks over at me as another strand of hair blows into his face. He lets out a sigh and sits up.

"If that means to get it out of my face, then yes, please," he says; obviously feeling annoyed.

I crawl over so I was sitting behind him and carefully comb his hair back with my fingers. It was just long enough to be pulled back so hopefully, everything should be out of his face. As I was making sure all of the bumps were out, I noticed how soft his hair was.

I may or may not have left my fingers running through his hair longer than necessary.

I twist the hair tie around his hair so it's in a small bun at the back of his head. I slide back to my previous spot in the grass next to him as he sighs in contentment.

"Better?" I ask with a small chuckle.

He looks over at me with a smile. "Much better; thank you." I nod and we both look back towards the sun.

I notice a few patches of daisy looking flowers in the grass so I pick one and hand it to Ashton with a smile.

He looks over at me and takes it from me with a dimply grin.

"Awe, thank you, Luke; I love it," he says with a giggle.

I feel my face heat as I respond. "You're welcome."

He plays with the flower in one of his hands.

"Here, let me see that for a moment," I say. He gladly hands it back to me before I carefully tuck it behind his ear; with the flower facing forward of course.

"Better," I say as I lean back and admire my handy work. Ashton giggles and just looks back towards the sun. I smile and do the same.

After a moment, I look back over towards Ashton who was leaning back on his hands with his legs extended in front of him. He still had a small smile on his face.

He was beautiful.

I secretly pull out my phone and very casually take a picture; luckily the sound wasn't on, otherwise, Ashton would've heard it click. I look down at the picture and smile. He looks extremely happy which made me happier because I knew I was the one who put that smile on his face.

I put my phone in my pocket and sighed.

"It's really nice out," I comment as I close my eyes and feel the sun's rays hit my body.

"Yeah, it's also nice to be out in the sun and not worry about someone seeing you," Ashton says.

"You're right; it must've sucked staying in the forest all the time," I reply.

"Eh, it was alright. I mean, there are small openings and lakes and such, but nothing as beautiful as here," he explains.

I let out a small laugh and nod. "Yeah, this park is beautiful. I always would come here if I need space from my family or even if I just needed inspiration for a drawing," I tell him as I open my eyes and look back over at him. I let out another chuckle. "Hell, I still do sometimes."

Ashton looks over at me and smiles. "It must be nice; if I had that kind of talent, this place would be a great spot to get inspiration."

"Yeah, sometimes I'll see people playing with their dogs, mums and dads teaching their kids how to ride a bike, people flying kites, even people just laying down to read a good book under the trees; it truly is amazing here," I tell him as I run my hand through my hair before lying down on my back so I could look up at the cloudless sky.

Ashton lets out a sigh and lies back too. I don't know if he meant to, but I could feel the back of his hand touching the back of mine. I didn't want to grab his hand, just in case Ashton wasn't ready for that yet; even though he's supposed to find love in the next couple of weeks. That didn't mean he had feelings for me.

Sure, I know he said that he was afraid that the person he was falling for wouldn't return the feelings, but I'm sure I wasn't the only human he's talked to. Well, besides my mum, but if he had feelings for my mum that would be super weird because he told me he was gay, my mums married, and I think I've got feelings for him.

I wasn't sure how long we were lying there, but I knew it was time to go when my stomach started growling.

"Hey, Ash, are you hungry?" I ask without getting up.

"Yeah, a little bit I suppose," he replies, almost sounding shy.

"You want to go get something to eat?" I ask.

"Sure," is all he says.

We both just lay there not really wanting to get up. We both laugh before getting up.

As we make our way towards my car, I nudge Ashton with my elbow. "What do you want to eat?"

He shrugs and looks over towards me. "I don't know; just in case you forgot, I have no idea what you people eat. I know that at the homeless shelter they served this gross mushy stuff that I barely at," he tells me.

"Oh, that was probably oatmeal; the plain stuff. If you get flavors like banana's and cream or apple cinnamon, then it's actually pretty good; depending on how you make it," I say with a laugh.

"I'll have to take your word for that because honestly if I eat any more oatmeal in my life, I might just kill myself," he says with a laugh.

"Yeah, once you taste the bad stuff, you really don't ever go back to any of it," I say. We reach my car and I hop into the driver's seat, while Ashton gets into the passenger seat. "Oh, do you want to try some pizza? I think you'll like it a lot."

"Yeah, we can have that if you want," he says with a smile. I smile back.

"Great! Pizza it is," I say before driving off towards the nearest pizza place.

A/N: HEY GUYS! What's up?

So above is the god himself; Ashton Irwin.



I was going to finish up this chapter this morning, but I was like 'ugh, I've been updating basically every day and it's spring break for crying out loud, so today is just going to be a lazy day of playing video games' so, that's what I did. Now it's 11:30 at night and I should probably be sleeping XD OH WELL

QOTC: What is your favorite breed of dog?

My answer: I've actually got 3 favorites, so I'm going to list them in order; Alaskan Malamutes, German Shepherds, and Pugs c:



Write you later,

~Ashtyn xoxo

TYPO FREE: 7/09/2017

✔️Beauty and the Beast -L.H. + A.I. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now