Chapter 2

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I see a bright light shine through my window. Oh gosh, she's hear!

I hear McKenzie run up the steps, open the front door and walk into the kitchen. She says hi to my mum, and quickly asks my sister, Ashlee where I am.

"She's in her room, I think she might be crying."
"What?!" I hear my mum say. "Why is crying? Is she okay?" She asks Ashlee, who shrugs her shoulders.

"It's okay, I'll go check on her." McKenzie says as I hear footsteps coming down the hall, towards my bedroom.

I quickly try to think of a believable excuse as to why I'm so upset. But it's too late, she's already at my door.

She walks straight in because I had left my door wide open. She was wearing her 'pajamas' an over-sized t shirt and sweatpants. She turns to look at me, staring up at her.

"Sky!" She says, dropping to her knees, right beside me. I just stare at her, not knowing what to say, trying not to start crying again.

But then she hugs me and it all comes out...
"I didn't know who else to tell, I was too scared to tell mum or dad because I know they would have thought it was just another excuse not to go to school!" I blurt out.

"What's happened?" She says as she adjusts herself so that she's more comfy. "Its okay Sky, you know you can tell me anything!"

I take a deep breath, whipe the tears from my face, look at her kind, smiling face and just tell her everything...

"Okay so about a year ago, I was at school and everything was fine, it was just a normal day at school. But then suddenly my friend starts accusing me of spreading rumors about her, I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about! She was so angry, she wouldn't stop yelling at me. I told her that it wasn't me, that I would never do anything like that to anyone, especially my best friend! She didn't believe me and started yelling again. I ran off to the toilets, not knowing where else to go and burst into tears because I was just so worried and confused.Then suddenly everything went blury, I couldn't see or hear properly, my whole body went numb and I couldn't breathe.It was the scariest thing I had ever experienced, it's like I had no control over my body! Then it stopped. I could see and hear and breathe again but I was still numb and shaking. I had no idea happened to me, so I just decided not to tell anyone."

McKenzie looks extremely worried after I tell her all of this.

"Is that what happened again just now?!" She asks. "Yeah its happened a couple of times after that, but not as bad and just at night while I'm in bed." I say, not wanting her to worry.

"Did you ever find out what's actually happening to you?" McKenzie asks. "I looked it up after the second time it happened and I think it might be panic attacks."

"Skylah, everything is going to be okay. We will get you some help." I nod, not believing her and not liking how she said 'we will get you some help' it just makes me feel like I'm a crazy person.

McKenzie & SkylahOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant