chapter 2.

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¤~¤In Jake's limo (California )¤~¤

Andrew, Damian and Jayden were all seated in Jake's limousine. Jake was still busy resolving issues with his wife Penelope, as usual.
Seriously, poor Jake is fed up of all her mother hen nagging. He needs to be a free man. And soon.

Damian has always been trying to fix him up with some chicks from the hotels but Jake never allowed him.

As the lads were keeping themselves busy with liquor in the limo, Jake made an appearance with his face all red from anger. They all guessed what happened , wasn't that much of a surprise that Penelope was fond of slapping Jake across the face whenever they had a little arguement.

Jake tried his best to look unfazed by what just happened inside. "Guys, I'm taking you over to your penthouse tonight. It's near the outskirts of the beach. No one knows about us going there tonight. Thankfully no paparazzi.  It's a secreted area with just a few neighbours which is kinda rare since we're in California."

"Thanks Jake,  You're the best!" Andy sighed in relief," Thank God for that. I'm looking forward to a paps free vacation"

"Yeah" Jay added,"I'm also tired of all those tight- skirted girls jumping over our fence to take pictures of us in the bathroom. Ugh! That was excruciatingly annoying"

That pissed off Damian " come on, don't act like you didn't like the attention. Let the sexy girls come to me. It's not like they would ever want a picture of you."

And the argument about who the girls liked more continued for over 15 minutes until the chauffeur pulled over at the penthouse.

Damian was the first to talk
"Woah! Woah! Woah! Jake. This place is huge. La Vida Mi Casa, baby!"

"Hope you enjoy it. I'm off. Or penny would rip off my throat" Jake said.

Andy felt really sorry for his coach," seriously dude, we gotta be honest with you. It's high time for a divorce"

"It's true jakey, we can't watch you go through all this shit without helping.  This isn't the same happy Jake we used to know. Something has got to be done about it"

"You gotta let loose from your bondage and have some fun Jake. Tomorrow I'll introduce you to some hot Denver girls. They would ease you from all your stress." Damian chuckled.

Jake sighed!" Thanks for all your concern. I'll think about it. Now, like I said. I better hurry up to the house if i wanna live longer than tonight"

" Hey! Not so fast" Andy said," sorry for invading but does this place have installed computers in every room?"

"Of course Andy! "

" What about motorcycles and flashy cars for when I want to take my babes out for a good long ride?" Damian asked.

"Yeah. You each have your own collection of exclusive cars and motorcycles."

" How about a fully loaded refrigerator with foods ranging from snacks to smoothie? I'm starving!"said Jayden

" you see...... that's the problem! There's no food in the house. But there's a liquor cabinet and wine bar. I'll leave it up to you to go shopping for your own food tomorrow. Sorry jay" Jake was already so worn out" gotta go deal with my problem now. I'll leave you to deal with yours. See ya"

And with that, Jake left. There was an impending silence afterwards. Until Jayden's growling stomach brought them back to reality.

" Oh man! I'm really gonna need food tonight. I can't survive till tomorrow"

"Course you can" Andy laughed." First thing tomorrow, we'll go shopping for food. Promise "

They just took time to observe the interior of the glass penthouse.

Damian wolf- whistled,"It even looks better on the inside. Now this is my kind of place."

They all had some drinks and  chatted for a while about their future goals and how to avoid being identified by anyone anytime soon. But everyone already knew they were in California, they just don't know exactly where.

"Gosh, why is it so hard being a celebrity. I hate disguising in public." Jayden groaned.

" It's not like anyone recognises you as a celebrity." Damian teased" I'm the one with the killer smile and sexy toned abs."

" Yeah right! How stupid of me to forget someone as vain and perverted as you was actually stuck with me on this journey"

Damian and Jayden were always arguing with Andrew always having to separate them. It sucked being dragged into the middle of every argument.

" Guys, It's enough!" Andy shouted.
"I think I remember hearing Jake saying something about us having neighbours. I certainly don't want them exposing our secret not-so-secret hideout."

"Oh no. That would be a  complete disaster. Let's go and meet them, make an agreement to never tell anyone we're their neighbours or that we live here." Jayden said, a little bit annoyed. "Sheesh! I just hope they're normal"

"As long as they're girls, its perfect!" Damian smirked " I know just how to convince them"

"Ahem!" Jayden and Andy fake-coughed "pervert!"

" Ugh! Anyone who changes you from being a playboy should be in the Guinness world record and be awarded with a golden trophy." Andrew said with a gigantic smile.

They all headed out to the duplex next door. And thankfully it was the only house around for miles away.

As they walked for 2 minutes, they got to their neighbours house and hesitated at the door for a short while.

Jayden couldn't wait to jump right in the house because of the aroma of freshly baked red velvet cupcakes sifting through the door and windows . And yeah, Jayden can tell what kind of cupcake it is just by smelling it. I know, he's the biggest glutton in the whole America who can eat a whole bank of food and still have six sexy packs of abs.

Andy already rang the doorbell when Jayden was hurrying him up to knock the door since he didn't get a reply the first time.

Damian was busy taming his black mane of hair and fixing his unruly eyebrows. Andy rang the doorbell again. A feminine voice answered "who's there? " Damian was at alert hearing a girl's voice.

Someone opened the door. She was a redhead and Andrew had never seen anyone as beautiful as her. He looked at her from the top of her red curls to her white nail polish.

She was wearing a grey jumper with a tank top and matching red comfy shorts. Her long tan legs deliciously on display.

Andrew cleared his throat cautiously." Sorry, can we come in for a second?"

The red beauty slammed the door in their faces and afterwards they could hear muffled screams of surprise and excitement.

"Oh not again!!!" Andrew groaned.


Author's note.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know my literary skills suck but please bear with me. I'm only 16.

I worked hard for this one and I promise to keep you updated very soon. Thanks for all your patience.

Valerie, Amy, Micki, Damian, Jay, Jake and Andrew appreciate you taking time out to read their story.

Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. I love getting feedback from you lovelies.
Hugs and kisses. ❤💋❤💋

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