chapter 3.

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In the girls duplex.

Micki was playing her favourite action game - Jack trails, on her iphone. She was in her old black shorts and a turquoise football jersey.

Amy was dressed in a white and of course pink flannel and a purple tank top with a huge pink bunny rabbit in front of it. She was just scrolling through the television a bit annoyed.

While Valerie was in a red and grey jumper and shorts ensemble. She was halfway through painting her toe nails in white nail polish.

The doorbell rand and Micki, who hated visitors grunted at the door. "Who is it this time," changing her voice from demonic to angelic, she smiled sweetly at valerie "Valerie, can you please go check who's at the door. It's probably people from the art gallery."

" Oh okay sure. On my way" as Val got closer to the door, she wondered who visits at 9pm on a Tuesday night."Who's there?" She asked as she opened the door.

She stared at the cute blond guy with thick glasses framing his baby blue eyes. She stopped breathing for a moment.

There were also two other brunettes with piercing eyes but not as attractive as the blond guy.

Hey! Hold on a second!, I know these guys. Think Val,think! Oh no! OMG! it can't be them. It can't be. Someone pinch me. What a weird dream. Hahaha! I'm just tired. These can't be the pro-surfers we just saw on T.V. there's no way they........

A few moments later!

Andrew cleared his throat" uh sorry, do you mind if we come in for a sec?"

And with that, she slammed the door in their faces and screamed. "Aaaaagggghhh!!!"

Valerie was speechless. it took her another lifetime for her to recover from the image of the angels at the door. She was just gaping ahead with her mouth wide open like she saw a ghost.

"Uh, Valerie are you okay. Omg don't tell me your abusive, mentally challenged EX is after you again" Amy said with a look of concern and worry etched on her face.

" meh, who cares" Micki said nonchalantly, with her eyes still glued to her iPhone.

" Oh God, YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE WHO'S AT THE DOOR" Val mouthed out the words with such emphasis.

" if it's a dog, don't let it in. I just baked some cupcakes and I don't want drool all over them." Micki stated.

  " come on peeps. Let's all go to the door. It's rude to keep them hanging out there." Amy said

" Yeah. As if slamming the door in their face is any better. Besides I'm not moving my ass an inch. I'm in the middle of an important phase." Micki was as uninterested as a vegan is in beef jerky.

Valerie dragged her on the floor with lots of protest and plummeting and bloodshed. After opening the door again but this time with blinding smiles on their faces, they all stiffened as they saw the hot surfers from T.V.. Micki's breath hitched. Hahaha

Trying so hard to act unaffected. Andy cleared his throat again. More to make himself concentrate and look away from the stunning redhead. " can we come in please?"

Valerie and Amy chuckled nervously after fully realising it wasn't a dream." Sure. Where are my manners"

"Is this what you called me for," Micki hissed and with her strong African-American accent. " I got a game to play"

Amy wanted to die of embarrassment "Micki? ??"
"Please,Pardon her for rude behaviour,  she's just on her period,"

" I think you're all on your periods." Damian whispered, laughing to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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