chapter 10

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  As you can hear the rain pouring out and water hitting the ground, All I can hear is rain, and thunder.

"Ughhhhhhahhh!" I screamed, looking up to the dark and cloudy sky. Zack was just staring at me while I started to walk around and look for a way to go home. Than I hear footsteps behind me, *Is he following me?* I said in my head. I turned around and see that he he is behind me on his hands and feet.

"Hey! You go that way, and I go this way. I have to be home before mom gets real furious." I said, but all he did was stare.

"*sighs* how about you stay here while I walk, OK?" I said as I was walking down a path, but he still came closer.

"Hey! I said stay." I said but then he did something that kinda scared me. Hs stood up, and was close enough to me that I can feel his breath on my cheek. He was even so tall that he has to look down on me, his wings were dragging down.

"Wow, uhh" was all I said as I was trying to back up.

"Ok first of all that is way too close to my personal space, and second I have to go home and you can't come with me." I said as again I was about to walk away until he stopped me by holding my side. It didn't hurt but he was holding me firmly and tight enough where I couldn't move.

"Hey, wait a minute!" I said trying to move, but he kept me firmly in place. I stopped and looked in his eyes, they didn't look like a wild animal, more like sad and lonely eyes. It's like I can see past him, past all the fake and animal inside of him. He came closer and snuggled his nose on my neck while he put his other arm around my side and hold me. It seemed to be he was hugging me, I didn't know what to do but I feel bad for some reason. So I hugged him back, feeling like this is right.

"Zack.....what are you doing to me." We embraced each other for while until we hear what it seems to be footsteps, they appear to be coming closer. They stopped, and I can see a few people along with mom coming up in front.

"Mom!?" I said out loud in shock and confused. Zacks back was turned to her so he did see her until he turned around, but to growl back. He was now holding me tighter and I tried to see what he was going to do but he covered my face in his chest.

"Get away from the girl!" I heard a guy say loudly but I couldn't see. I was now on the side and I can see mom, she looked frighten.

"PLEASE! Just don't hurt her, please bring her back!" Mom said to zack in plead. Zack just stared at them like they were his pry, but I thought I was.

~~~~Emily's past when she's 5 years old~~~~

"Hey look mommy, I found a feather!" emily said to her mother while running towards her.

"Oh wow honey, it might be a big bird if it's this big." Amy said to her child.

"Huh, I wonder if it's even a bird." Emily said.

"What makes you say that Em." her mother asked.

"Well daddy told me a story about a boy who has big black wings. And he is really friendly, but don't get too close to him." She said.

"And why's that, why can't you get close to him hun." Amy asked feeling scared of the story.

"Well daddy said if you get close he might die, and if he dies then you die with him." She said. "Oh, then I guess i won't get too close to him." she said.

"But I will." Emily said.

"But why would you do that." Amy said.

"Because he might be sad to be all alone, even if he dies alone, I don't want to be alone mommy." Em said before she was looking down feeling sad.

~~~~Back to the present~~~~

"NO, Wait!" I yelled at the crowd that was in front of us.

"What if he was good and just wanted someone to be with." I said to the crowd, but mom looked like I was being crazy.

"EMILY, get away from it, Now!" She told me.

"Step away now or we will shoot." They said, I was getting scared now. I looked at Zack and leaned up to his ear.

"PLease, lets just go, they hurt you if you go now." I said to him, he looked down on me and stared into my eyes as if he was saying ok. He opened his wings and started to move his wings. The people looked at us, and was getting worried.

"I repeat, we will shoot!" They yelled. I was now getting scared, cause Zack did not let go of me yet.

"Zack, you have to let me go." I said to him, but he didn't let me go. He was now off the ground with me in his arms, he was flying up and started to fly north until a sound came blasting in my ear, a sound I wish I never would hear..............



Oh my god guys what just happened?! What lies in store for Zack and Emily?!

I don't know.....Well actually I do know but you don't so tell me what you think there fate is or what happened or hell even what your thinking I like hearing what you people have to say so let me know down in the comments.

And with that all said talk to you all later bye!

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