How the Hero Cookie Crumbles

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My cousins began screaming, asking what's happening. Bob the Cookie, which everyone favored, tried to calm everyone down. I tried helping, but they completely ignored me. Bob asked if I was okay. I replied, "Yes, Bob, I am okay, but we must see what is happening.". With that, we ran to the open door and looked around. The humans were screaming, trying to get back into houses or go to the ocean. Pebbles were falling from the sky instead of raindrops. But some were not pebbles, but much bigger. Bob stepped out, trying to figure out if we could survive until one of the bigger rocks came down and landed right on Bob. I stood there, frozen in fear and covered in my dead cousin's crumbs. Right then, I wanted to drown in milk even more. My cookie cousins, who obviously weren't listening to me, ran right out of the safety of the house and began running around, yelling. I tried to help, but it was too late. So many of my cousins were hit with rocks. Many of them injured, but some did die. Feeling worse than ever, I decided to try to protect those who were still among the living, yes, including the humans.

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