Sweet Endings (or not DUN DUNNN)

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    "So, Darla, do you have any family?" I asked. "Oh, um, not really.". I decided maybe now wasn't a time to try and talk, so I silently prayed to Goat Lord. I was hoping Goat Lord would get us out alive. But I must've fallen asleep.
    I woke up later, near dusk, and looked around. It was almost easier to breathe. I looked at Darla, who was asleep. She was even more beautiful while she slept.
    After I stopped being creepy and staring at her, I lifted up the lid on the chest. I saw more people, but the smoke was a lot further away. I heard Darla wake up so I said, "Darla, I think we're safe.". Darla got up and looked with me. She smiled and we hugged.
    I don't remember much after that, but I'm glad that day happened, honestly. I got to meet the love of my life. I still miss my cousins, but now I have someone who takes that sadness away from me and makes me feel special. But that was my story.

The End

//A.N. okay this story was actually an E-Learning assignment I did during my 8th grade year. I thank my good friend, Carley, for helping me create this masterpiece.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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