Chapter 13

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I didn't even go out for dinner. I'm currently at my bed and just staring at the ceiling. Tamaki is such an idiot. I can't even sleep! I'm so angry!

The door opened, making me jump a little in surprice, I tryed to see who was there, but it was too dark.

"Who's there?" I asked boredly, resting back down in bed. The weight in the bed shifted, and I tensed a bit. "Hikaru, Kaoru, this isn't funny."

I said it in a bored voice, but I'm actually scaed right now.

"I'm not Hikaru... not Kaoru,"

"Kyoya?" I said confused, until I felt someone suddenly grab my wrists and pin them untop of my head, and sit on my lap. I bluched and tensed. "W-What are you doing?"

"Oh Yuki," Kyoya muttered near my ear. "You and Haruhi caused some trouble today."

"I-I'm sorry!" I said annoyed, completely forgeting the situation. "but what Tamaki said makes no sense! We where there, and we had to do something!"

"Really?" I felt his breath in my lips, but I couldn't concentrate in thet, I'm really angry.

"Yes," I said defiantly. "In that situation you don' think if you're a girl of a boy! It makes no difference."

"But it does," he said calmly, "What if those men decided they rather have fun with you than the other girls?"

"What are you-?" I asked confused.

I felt him caress my cheek, and I tensed up again. What the hell?

"K-Kyoya?" I asked confused. 

"You know," he stated, and I felt his hair brush my forehead. "You are quite the treat for men... You could easily please. You've got a beautifull face and body, that men seem to seek."

"What-?" I tried to continue talking, but I couldn't where is he going  with this?

"They coul've hurt you," he hissed angrily.

"I'm stronger!" I snapped.

"Not there," he stated.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You are afraid of water," he stated simply. "You don't know how to swim."

"That has nothing to do with it! If Haruhi hadn't been throuwn I wouldn't have let my gaurd down and-"

"Why can't you understand!" Kyoya snapped, making me freeze. Kyoya never looses his cool. "We where worried! They could've done anything to you! What if they took you? What if they decided to simply use you for pleasure?"


"You're blind," Kyoya muttered annoyed. "Don't you see how guy's look at you when you're not dressed as a boy? They desidre you! Why can't you get it? Haruhi did!"

"What are you saying? So what if guys find me attractive... what can they do?"

"I thought you would know," he said. "That's whu you where scared of guys in the first place. Look at us, I could simply take advantage of you now."

"Y-You won't," I said, feeling tears leave my eyes.

"Why not?" he said revoving the tears with his tumb.

"Because I get it now," I said, "You where worried. You don't want me to get hurt, so you wouldn't hurt me."

"I wasn't worried." he said, sitting in the edge of the bed.

"Yes you where," I said sitting as well. "I remember... you where also wet. You went to the ocean."

He grunted.

"Thank you, Kyoya-sama," I said, swallowing my pride as I hugged him from behind. "And don't worry, I won't tell anyone your secret."

"What secret?" he muttered standing up and looking at me.

"That you're actually a softie," I said smirking. 

"Let's go look for Haruhi and Tamaki. They've been alone for to long.

"PERVERT!" We all shoued. Damn! You leave Tamake and Haruhi alone and he takes full advantage!

"It's not what it looks like!" Tamaki shouted, making me laugh a little. Haruhi had told me she was afraid of lightining, so I already got what he was trying to do. I'm not about to tell anyone though.

I let a little smile play on my lips as I watched amused the club. I think I'm actually starting to like all of them as friends... I've changed so much since I started, and just now I noticed. I'm no longer as cold as I was... This guys are truly something special. I hope to be able to stay with them another year.

Haruhi caught my eye and smiled at me. I coled my eyes and beamed. Yep! I like this club!

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