27. "Please End my Existence"

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As darkness came, Nyx began to get less and less talkative.

He made plenty of attempts to free us, mind you. His condition didn't really do him any favors. As much as I didn't want him to burn himself out, whenever he was distracted from me I could let my wings appear to try and help the situation. Nothing improved. Nyx wasn't having much luck either. Whether it involved his mindless struggling and kicking or trying to stretch to reach the knife that was just out of reach, nothing brought us closer to being freed.

At one point just before all light disappeared, a child came wandering into the area. I presumed they were headed home. They froze at the sight of us, eyes set on the blood that had dried on the ground and all over Nyx's face. The moment Nyx saw them, he lurched forward in his bonds a little bit. The child jumped back, eyes wide with fear.

Nyx had a bit of a drowsy sound to his voice as he spoke. "Hey, kid, mind doing us a favor?"

Needless to say, the child ran away, a string of curse words following behind them. Their parents would most likely not be happy with the story, or words they brought home.

Nyx sighed and sat back. He shut his eyes and didn't say much else for the rest of the time we spent there. Stars were poking out from behind the clouds above. I hoped it wouldn't rain. My eyes always fell on Nyx when I tried to see if there was anything I could do. He wasn't particularly pleasant to look at. He was cut up, bruised and broken. I was untouched, most likely because I had given up willingly and didn't talk back. Regardless, I wished he hadn't taken so many hits. Today really wasn't his day.

I began to wonder. Would Nyx have been better off if I hadn't tried to help him? Maybe he would still be up in the mountains, recovering. That was definitely better than this. Better than being with me.

It didn't feel good to think about that. This was essentially the first time I had helped a human, and it hadn't ended well. Indirectly, I had hurt him. That guilt was unpleasant. Like something trying to claw it's way out my chest. Scratching at my ribs...

...and my knee?

I looked down and saw Pig, scratching my shin with his little legs. Between its pincers was my swordbreaker. I was beyond confused for a moment. Then I remembered. I knew this beetle. I'd forgotten about him. It seemed he had run away while I had been gone. He was back now, and I was actually rather happy to see him.

"Nyx!" I looked over to him. He had fallen asleep where he sat, breath shallow and wheezy. I twisted a bit to kick his side. He jolted awake and looked at me like he'd been having a nightmare. He caught sight of Pig, green shell shining brightly in the dark. I could practically see the light reflecting in Nyx's eyes.

"The bug is back?"

He looked surprised and a little happy as well. I didn't expect to see him like that under any circumstance, let alone after what just took place. It was nice to see it now, though, especially given I shared his sentiments.

Pig flopped onto his back, kicking his legs in the air. I watched him, briefly fearing he may get stuck like that. Fortunately, he got back up on his feet. I suppose it wasn't just by chance that he found me again after I tipped him over.

Nyx was caught looking back and forth between the beetle and myself. "What are you waiting for? Get the stupid knife!"

I wasn't about to argue. There was only one problem. My arms were secured tightly to my sides.

"How do we do that?" I asked him. "Neither of us can reach him."

"I dunno? Call it?"

My eyes fell back down to the beetle. I hadn't called him by name yet, which gave me the impression Nyx's plan wouldn't work. I had no other means of getting my swordbreaker back, though.

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