~Chapter One~

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Here is my chapter on Beauty and the Beast. Go to CatyBearCat to see all the even chapters!
Also, this book will have a few Latin words as well as a lot of French so beware!


~Mitch's POV~

I called goodbye to my father before grabbing my wooden basket and walking out the door. I walked away from our little cottage and down the trail leading to town. Early in the morning before everyone is up and about, it's actually quite peaceful. But in all honesty, I only wake up early just to watch the chaos of the town ensue with the crow of the rooster.

As I approach the entrance to the town, I fiddle with the ruby red book inside my basket. As per usual, I was heading to Seto's bookstore to return the book I borrowed and to get sorcery lessons from him.

Upon entering the village, I was greeted with a chorus of bonjours. The one that stood out was my good friend Joseph the baker. He was known throughout the village for his fantastic breads and amazing cakes.

"Bonjour Mitch! How are you and your father this fine morning?" Joseph exclaimed as he filled up a cart full of bread and pastries. I smiled.

"Bonjour to you too Joseph! And I'm doing well. My father is working on his invention for the annual invention contest in the next town over. I'm sure he'll win this year!" I said happily.

"That's great! Here, take these pastries. One for you and one for your father." Joseph said as he handed me two warm clothes.

"Oh Joseph! Je vous remercie! Also, how's your cat Stampy doing?" I graciously accepted the pastries and put them in my basket.

"He's doing great actually! David has been taking care of him for the last few days because I've been really busy with Stampy's Hot Buns here, so he volunteered to watch him! That and his dog Squid really wants to play with him." Stampy explained to me.

"That's great! Well, I better get going. Don't wanna be late for Seto's lessons again!" I exclaimed happily as I began to walk backwards towards the center of town.

"Au revoir Mitch! Have a good day and tell your father I said good luck!" Stampy said upon entering his store.

"Au revoir!" I yelled back. I turned around and walked towards Seto's library. I fiddled with my dog tags, the one thing I got from my mother before she died. It was only two years ago.

"Mitch, your mother would like to see you." Dr. Kipz stated sadly as he walked out of my mother's room. I rushed into the room to find my pale mother lying in the worn out hospital bed. I walked over to her side and knelt down. She smiled slightly at me before grabbing my hand in hers.

"You look so handsome Mitch." My mother whispered slowly. I felt my eyes start to fill up with tears.

"Thank you mom." I said, my voice cracking near the end. My mother smiled at me before lifting her other hand to her neck. She fumbled with the clasp before pulling away her golden dog tags. She opened my hand up and dropped the tags into my open palm. As I looked at the tags, she spoke.

"Take... this...as....a..reminder...and...one...day..." She paused to have a coughing fit before continuing. "I....know....you'll... find someone.... special...And make sure.....to show him love..."

I grew a little confused at that part.

"Mom, what do you mean by him?" I asked looking up. My mother's eyes were closed and her hand had gone limp in mine. I began to shake.

"Mom? Please wake up! MOM!"

I shook the flashback out of my head as I entered Seto's bookstore. I learned from Seto the day she died that my mother had been a sorceress, a descendant of an evil sorceress who had turned the prince into a beast. But those were just legends. Right?

Beauty and the Beast {Merome AU}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ