~Chapter 7~

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YAY! Cat got her chapter done! Go check it out at CatyBearCat for  the even chapters. Play song when told to. :3

~Mitch's POV~

It was currently midnight and I was having a hard time sleeping. So I had gotten out of bed and began to wander the halls. I had just walked around the corner when I saw a little candlestick walk in front of me.

To avoid stepping on him, I basically tripped over my own feet.

"Watch out!" I exclaimed loudly. Preston turned just in time to hop out of the way of my falling body.

"Misour! Are you okay?" Preston asked concerned. "C'est ma faute, it's my fault. I am very sorry."

I stood up and brushed myself off.

"Non, it was me. I should've been paying more attention." I answered as I crouched down to Preston's level.

"Anyway, I must go find Jess. Au Revoir!" Preston stated as he hopped away.

"Au Revoir!" I exclaimed as he went along his way. As soon as he was out of sight, I began to sing a little song I had created.

"Hunger Games,

I wanna win I win it all,

I wanna win all da-a-ay,

I'm not teamin',

I'm not teamin',

You should've learned how to pla-a-ay,

Yes I win it all,

Sure I'll win it all,

I wanna win all da-a-ay,

I'm not teamin',

I'm not teamin',

You should've seen my last Hunger Games!

I kept on mumbling the song until I found myself outside in a small archery range. I smiled happily as I brushed my fingers over a wooden bow that sat in a nearby bush. I lifted it up and found that it fit in my hand perfectly. I grabbed a quiver of arrows and walked over to the farthest target. I pulled an arrow out of the quiver and attached the end to the string of my bow.

I pulled the arrow back to my cheek and let out a small breath, aligned the arrow with the middle of the target, and released the arrow. A noisy "thump" was heard as the arrow hit the target right in the bullseye.

"Nice shot." A voice from behind me stated.

I turned my head, to see the Beast leaning against one of the many pillars that surrounded the area.

"Thank you." I said kindly.

He just nodded to acknowledge that he heard me. I turned my head away and loaded up another arrow.

"Tu sais, I never got your name." I told him as I lined up my shot and releasing it so it went right through the first arrow.

"My name is Jerome. And you're Mitch, correct?" The person I now know as Jerome questioned.

"Oui, you have that correct." I replied as I set down the bow and quiver and walked over to where he was standing.

"So, what brings you out here anyway? Had trouble sleeping?" Jerome inquired. I nodded my head.

"Oui. I could not sleep. So I wandered around the castle for a bit. I got lost in my en chantant and found myself out here. I saw the archery course and decided to try it out since archery is one of my favorite pastimes, besides reading bien sur." I answered truthfully as I sat down on the ground in front of him.

Beauty and the Beast {Merome AU}Where stories live. Discover now