The Finale

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So I realized me and Cat were not getting any closer to finishing this book, so I volunteered to write the rest of it. Cat's been dealing with school stuff so she said I could finish it. Here you guys go! The long awaited final chapter! Play song when you see the lyrics. XD


~3rd Person POV~

It was early in the morning now. In the dining room, Mitch sat quietly. Neither said a word as they ate the pieces of bread provided by Ian. Mitch pulled apart the fresh bread and tossed a piece into his mouth. As he continued to eat, he found his thoughts drifting to his father and his friends in the village. I wonder what he's doing right now? Maybe he's working on another adventure. And what of Seto and Joseph? What are they doing now? His thoughts were cut off when a large knock sounded throughout the castle.

"C'est étrange. I thought no one knew of this castle?" Mitch questioned quietly to himself.

Mitch stood from his seat at the table and walked out into the hall. Having been in the castle for a few days now, Mitch had been able to learn of all the hallways and rooms that inhabited the castle. Mitch ran down halls, passing Lachlan and Rob who had just come out of the library.

Mitch stopped at the front entrée to see Jerome had already had beat him to the door. Jerome, not noticing Mitch's presence, opened the door to reveal Seto and Joseph.

Jerome quietly walked to the front door as there was a knock "Mon Dieu, No one knows of my palace." He opened the door to reveal Seto and Joseph.

"Qui es-tu?" Jerome muttered with a slight growl.

"Jerome! Those are my copains! Let them in S'il vous plaît!"

"Bein! Bein!" Jerome walked to the side allowing the two men to pass.

"Merci! We are truly grateful. Mitch! We have mal news." Seto explained, his face showing stress and fear.

"Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? What is wrong?" Mitch spoke, sounding worried as he watched his two friends give him and Jerome looks of fear.

"It's your père Mitch! He has told Ty of Jerome and wants him to get you back!" Joseph said.

Mitch and Jerome looked at each other.

"Mon Dieu! Father!" Mitch yelled worryingly.

Vikk appeared, and hopped over to where the four men stood. "Do not worry, Misour, I will watch out for Ty," Vikk ticked.

"Merci beaucoup! Thank you Vikk!" Mitch exclaimed happily.

"Come, let me show you where you may sleep," Jerome muttered hesitantly.

Seto and Joseph smiled gratefully at Jerome as Mitch's thoughts went to his father again. Why did he ask Ty for help? He thought as he trailed behind Jerome and his friends as Jerome showed them the castle. Knowing Ty, he probably asked for my hand in marriage. But why would Crainer agree?

Jerome led the men towards the fully furnished rooms, "One of you may stay here," Jerome said walking into the large bedroom. The gray walls were contrasted with the large painting and the bright white carpet. "The other can stay over there," he pointed across the hall to a second room.

"Joseph, do you care which room you have?" Seto asked.

"Non, Misour. I do not mind," Joseph said politely.

"Okay, you may have this room if you wish."

"I'm okay with that."

The men separated to see their rooms.

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