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Whenever people meet happiness, neither do they prepare for it’s end nor expect it. The days and nights of joy eat up our mind living no room for expectancy. Our eyes get covered and we fail to see the most crucial paths of life taking the rope that suddenly ends. Am talking about love specifically. A person in real love can even fail to chess a million dollar deal just because he has his lover. “when you are with me i feel complete” they always say.

Whatever has a beginning, must have an end. It was the same for me and Hadijah.
In my life i never expected it to happen because we were so close. Her secret was my secret, my success was her success. Telling each other future stories and promising each other was part of our life. We wanted to see the end together. Though my wallet was loose, I appreciate she was patient and there was no single day she ever asked for money from me. It was all built on faith and trust regardless of the storm and thunder.

By that time i had a nokia phone which i used to exchange texts with her. The good mornings and nights we could see them together through the texts.
At Makerere university, the well known in Africa for producing the best human materials. That university always organises short term courses of about two to three months. So Hadijah informed me about her starting a short term course in computing at Makerere. At first i never knew that it was the beginning of the end. Since her father had enough money, he bought her a new Nokia Lumia as a gift for being patient and a good daughter. She joined the famous whatsapp and facebook social networks. Then her life had moved a step ahead of mine.

Seeing new and rich guys, meeting different people of upgraded behaviours and copying a new style of life, it's what Hadijah desired the most.
As usual, i kept on texting her but the intervals in which she used to reply started to change. The text sent at 7am would be eeplied at 10am. That pushed my heart so much, she started reversing all the mistakes i committed before l

. “hadijah what’s going on i no longer understand you?” i asked while on phone and she couldn’t give a clear answer. She started pretending to be busy each and every time. Things got tough day by day, I was forced to lie interms of my work status thinking that she may be interested in my getting high as it was our dream, but it yielded nothing. I adopted an act of cliaming to be sick but it didn’t also work. She had got tired of me, there was no more us yet for me it took time to believe it.
Finally Hadijah revealed the reason behind her irritating doings:.; “Shakilu i lost your feelings but i couldn’t tell you”. It seemed like a lie and i never stopped clinging on her but she never stopped telling me words that bridge a big gap between us.

The situation made me look blue, my heart was tied up, all the good things i wished for her had become meaningless. Those songs,the sweet texts and the moments we shared together, were left to be memories. However much i regretted why she had left me, there was no plan B to win her heart again. She went ahead to block me on social media, deleting all the comments i made on her photos and she even changed her phone number.

So i was left with no resort to contact her. The one i loved most was never in my life. But i later realised the main reason behind and it pushed me to work hard so that i also get money to cater for the ones i love. It was unbeliavable.

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