Another Insane

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The team try to catch their breath in the dry dessert. No guns. No money. They didn't know where they ran to.

"Great! One of our smartest team mates have gone insane! What could've happened doc?"

"I... Think it might've been the fumes. That... He inhaled"

Scout stopped and looked up. The rest looked up to see the black fumes that have drove their friend to insanity was growing into a storm. The team could see a van driving up to them. Before they could snap out of the shock of seeing the storm some one grabbed all of them pulling them into the van.

"Whot didja do mates?!" The BLU sniper yelled.

"I'll heal ze RED spy"

The BLU medic carried the RED spy towards his medical equipment.

"Vell. Me und ze engineer was making medicine then ze scout startled us making engineer black out from the chemicals he dropped. Ze fumes make people-"

"-Lose leetle mans sanity" BLU heavy intervened 

"How didya know?" RED scout exclaimed with curiosity.

The Blu heavy signaled to follow him. The BLU heavy opened a door to reveal a bloodied BLU spy wearing a straight jacket, hitting his head against the wall muttering to himself with the same grin that the RED engineer had plastered onto his face.

"Look! Look! Visitors welcome! welcome! Honhon! I'll tear 'ou limb from limb. hehehe!"

They took a step back as the insane spy started crawling towards them.

"Oh. Don't be shy Messieurs. It'll be fun. I won't hurt you. heheheHAHAHAHHAHA!"

The BLU heavy suddenly closed the door to the insane spy who had the same characteristic's as their engineer.

"Vat happened to ze spy?" The BLU medic asks.

"Well doc. He got a big bite from our engineer."

"How curious?"



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