Don't Look at the Mirror at Night

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Hi it's me again! I want to start off from when I moved in my new house. Everything seemed normal at first but after a weeks have passed, we came across some weird stuff. Like once when my cat Bilu (real name Babushka but everyone calls her that) came in the house all wet. She just appeared out of nowhere I looked out and saw it was raining. I asked who let her in but my family said they thought it was me. I then thought she probably came through the windows. I checked the house but they were closed because everyone was feeling cold. So I'm like thinking "hey this is a bit strange". I mean how did that cat get in.

Another thing was that every time I go to my sister's room, all her cupboards are open. When I close them and turn away, they open again. I felt really scared, so told my dad if he can he sleep in my room and I sleep on mum's bed with her. He said ok.

That night I couldn't sleep, I heard my cat crying in the rain, I was about to get up to get her in when she stopped. I shrugged and started to fall asleep when I heard the cupboards opening. I went and closed them, mum was complaining so I went back to bed. I just put the covers over me when I heard them open again.

"Ambia gumas na khene?" my mum said which meant "Ambia why don't you go to sleep". I looked up and saw a man looking at me from the mirror. Since then I haven't been in my mum's room.

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