The Haunted Mirror

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It was a Friday evening. I and my best friend Blitz were biking across the street and Blitz spotted it first—an antique shop. Blitz stopped his bike and stared at something inside the shop through its window.

“Sam, shall we check that stuff? I was looking for one like that to decorate my room.” Blitz said, pointing to a shiny box inside that shop.

I don’t like those things but I agreed to him only because he is my best friend in other words he is my only friend.

We entered the shop. It was silent inside. An old man welcomed us. The shop was full of cobwebs and very dusty too.

“May I help you?” The old man asked.

“I want that box. How much does cost?” I asked, staring at the decorated box.

“That box…It costs eight dollars.” The old man said. “May I pack it?”

“One minute” Blitz excused himself and turned towards me.

“Sam I have only five dollars. Can you lend me three dollars?” Blitz asked.

“Okay but you need to return it later.” I replied and gave him three dollars in hope he would return it.

I gave him three dollars- in hope that he would return it. The old man packed the box and gave it to Blitz. When we were about to leave, I noticed something that is really interesting- a mirror, which was decorated incredibly. I asked the old man about its cost and he that it’s being sold for fifteen dollars. We biked back to our homes.

“Are you really going to buy that mirror?” Blitz asked.

“Yes but how?” I replied to him “Altogether I have only ten dollars.”

“I will lend you some if you need.” He said pedaled his bike faster.

Blitz house was opposite to mine. When I reached my house’s driveway I stopped my bike and said goodbye to Blitz. The next day I left my house before Blitz had arrived. My mom gave me some money as a reward for cleaning the back yard so I don’t need Blitz money. I biked towards the shop.

When I reached the shop I was surprised because Blitz was also waiting there.

“Blitz, why are you waiting here?” I asked in an exhausted voice.”

“Well the box which I had bought yesterday was locked and I can't open it.” He said.

I didn't say anything. I just stared at the box.

After a while the old man came out of his shop and welcomed us.  We explained him for what reason we came again.

“I won’t take back sold items.” The old man laughed and said.

Blitz said nothing but stood still.

“I want this mirror.” I moved towards the decorated mirror then said and gave him fifteen dollars.

He smiled at me and packed the mirror.

“Be careful, don’t drop the mirror.” He said, an evil grin appeared on his face “And remember —I won’t take back sold items.”

We got out of the shop.

“Blitz is there any problem belonging to the box?” I asked Blitz when I saw his anxious expression.

“No, nothing.” He replied.

I waved goodbye to Blitz and returned back to my home. After reaching home I unpacked the mirror and hung it below my bookshelf on my room. I stared at my reflection on the mirror.

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