Chapter 8

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      The rest of the week had gone by, slowly might I add, and it's now Friday. Class had just ended, potions with Snape and it was with the Gryffindors. Speaking of Gryffindors Draco, Blaise, and I had been avoiding Harry and Ron all week, but there were a few times I had caught either Ron or Harry staring at us. I will also not have to be worrying about the assignments that we had gotten that are due next week and the week after that. I had been to the library a lot this past week to get all my homework done so I wouldn't have to worry about it this weekend, also it was a clever way of keeping Harry and Ron away from me, since they had hardly gone in there. I had passed this information to Draco and Blaise. So they decided to join me with completing homework for the next two weeks.

      Blaise had mentioned we leave are bags in the common room and go sit by the black lake outside until it was time for dinner, Draco and I agreed. It's going to be nice to just sit down with them and just mess around, I might even ask them about their back story but I'm not sure yet. We started down the hill towards the lake "I guess you weren't the only one to suggest of going outside Blaise" I laugh as I notice that there's a lot of other students sitting and messing about out here as well. Draco and Blaise laugh as well, "Yea I guess so Hermione, it is a nice day so I can't imagine that most people would want to pass it up."

      We went the rest of they in silence, especially since Draco had decided we should race to one of the tress by the lake. So the three of ran down the hill to a tree, Draco had made it the tree first with Blaise right behind him, then a minute later I was there. Once I got there I was out of breath so I couldn't speak, and the both were laughing at me, I didn't mind though, once I caught my breath I joined in. We sat down Draco with his back against the tree and with his eyes closed, Blaise next to him laying down on a patch of grass looking up at the sky, and me perched on a rock staring out at the lake. It was a very pretty view and it was peaceful down here.

      My eyes started to wonder over to the forest, the forest that we aren't allowed in and curiosity got the better of me. "Hey guys, why aren't we allowed in the forest?" I look over at them as I asked, Draco looks at me and Blaise sits up. "Well for one there's all these creatures in there, some of the creatures are kind but the other creatures not so much" Draco explains I shake my head and look back at the forest. "Shouldn't you have already known that Hermione?" Blaise asks looking at me with a confused look, "well I'm muggle born and Hogwarts: A History doesn't say a lot about the forest" it's true there isn't much on the forest in the book, other then it's best not to go in there alone or best to not to go in there at all. I look back at Draco and Blaise, they're staring at me in complete shock.

      I return with a confused look "why are you looking at me like that?" They look at each other then back at me "Your muggle born?" Blaise ask. A lot of witches and wizards are muggle born, why are they so surprised by this? "Umm Blaise you sound surprised, why?" This time Draco speaks "Well Hermione you were sorted into Slytherin, which is the house mainly made from purebloods, with the occasional half-blood here and there. Never has there ever been a muggle born, you're the first to be sorted into this house." "So everyone, even the entire school, just assumed that I came from a wizarding family because I got sorted into Slytherin?" I have no idea what to think, or if I should be mad or upset with Draco and Blaise. This is crazy, I know that Slytherin was mainly purebloods, but I kind of just figured that there has to be at least a couple other muggle borns as well. "Hermione, are you sure you're muggle born?" "Yes Blaise, I was raised in the muggle world with muggle parents from the time I was born to now, why are you asking?" I'm starting to get annoyed with these two, how can they think that I'm not sure about being a muggle born, like seriously. They better stop this before I start to avoid them as well.

      They look at each other and back at me again, then they stand up. Draco offers me his hand to help me up, I take it. "We're sorry Hermione, we didn't mean to sound rude or anything. It's just not common for a muggle born to be in Slytherin, It's a change for us." Draco sounds like he means that, and from what they're saying I can see how it's new to them and can shock them. I smile "it's fine, I was just worried that you would tell me the same thing as Ron and Harry did. That we would stop being friends." Blaise goes wide eyed, "are you serious Hermione?! We would never do that to you, you're a great friend" I laugh a little "thanks Blaise."

      Draco looks back up the hill and then back at us "come on I think it's time for dinner, everyone's starting to go back in" Blaise and I look up the hill and agree with Draco. We start our way back up to the castle for dinner.

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