Ch. 2 pt. 1

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Deep within the city of Seattle team GZ continues to uncover what the strange black box could be.

Zelt: So your sure this isn't D-Corp. technology?

???: I already told you moron. This crap isn't even part Tannis. It's from some other universe  or something crazy like that.

Zelt: Have you tried finding a way to open it?

???: Well I'll tell you this. Whatever it is, this thing is organic.

Zelt: Meaning???

???: It's got signs of intelligence and it can communicate in multiple languages, even in languages I've never heard of.

Zelt: Well thanks anyways Cat.

Cat: You got it. By the way tell Genos his new weapon should be arriving by next week.

Zelt: Damn! Those package pods sure take a long time to deliver.

Cat: Blame the company, not me.

Zelt: *Turns of Comm*

Genos: *Looking over the box at every angle*

Zelt: Watch yourself G. Apparently this thing has intelligent life inside. *Picks up box* I wonder how this thing opens? Maybe some password?

Genos: *Grabs box then whispered something to it*

Just as he whispered the box started lighting up with blue lights and a strange symbol appearing on the lid.

One second later the box was gone, out of sight, but for some reason a red headed girl was standing close to Genos she could smell his breath. Before he could do anything she grabbed his cheeks then planted her lips on his closing her eyes.

Both Genos and Zelt stared at her confused. She pulled away then looked at him smiling.

???: Hello Genos. I am System Tactical Assault Robot or S.T.A.R. For short.

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