Part 3 James' Master Plan

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James' POV

After explaining the plan to Thomas we both split up. We both had radios to communicate through, that way I could give him the signal. I walked up to Mulligan who was in charge of the music, I tapped him on the shoulder before asking him to play a slow dance.

"And why would I do that when everything is going nuts to this song?!" he shouted over the music. We were right next to the speakers so it was much louder. "Because I'm trying to set up those two!" I shouted back pointing at Aaron and Melissa. "shipper. Oh yah ok! But just this once!''. I couldn't hear the first word he said, but that wasn't important right now. I grabbed my radio and spoke into it "Thomas it's time.". I heard a hesitant pause before he responded. "Hehe. So how mad would you be if I told you I forgot what you said to do?" I didn't respond. Instead I decided to do it myself. I snuck over to behind wear Aaron and Melissa were, being careful not to let them see me of course. 

The two seemed to be trying to start a conversation, but it was pretty awkward considering both were blushing and a slow dance was playing. Let's do this! I snuck up behind Melissa causing her to fall into Aaron and she was blushing redder than a fresh bloomed rose. Then she turned around before i could run away, and that my friends, is when I James Madison, knew I screwed up.

Melissa's POV

I turned around to see James and was automatically PISSED. I already don't really like him, but THIS sent me OVER my level! I picked him up by his cravat glaring down at him, a blush still apparent on my face. He looked very panicked and started shouting into a radio "ABORT! ABORT! WE'VE BEEN COMPROMISED!" before I ripped it out of his hand throwing it on the ground crushing it with one of my sharp heels. I raised up my other hand, which was already lit, up about to hurt James real bad  right as Thomas came running over and grabbing James to protect him.

"What the hell(I do not consider this a curse word) you two?!?!?" I shouted at the two. "Wait, were you two trying to set us up?" Aaron asked giving them a questioning look. "Maybe'' James whispered in response. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!". These two, had screwed up.

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