Part 4 The Aftermath

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James'/Thomas's POV

I screwed up.

Melissa's POV

"You two had the audacity, to try to set me up with one of the men, INVOLVED IN THE REYNOLDS PAMPHLET?!?!?" I yelled at them furiously. "You guys can't just make things happen between two people! It has to happen naturally!" Aaron stated. He sounded maybe slightly annoyed, then again this is Aaron Burr we're talking about. "Yeah! I'd NEVER in a million years so much as THINK of dating Aaron!" that's what I told them, but little did I know just how WRONG that statement would turn out to be.

A few months later

Aaron's POV

But all of that was about 6 months ago, in present time I'm dating Melissa and i couldn't be happier with her. After losing Theodosia and Charles, Theo(That's what I'm going to call his daughter) and Melissa are all I have. With Theo in college, sometimes it feels like Melissa IS all I have. I loved her so much, I can't understand how she wound up falling in love with me when she hated me so much before. Guess you could say I just got lucky. I hoped I'd never loose her, that we'd stay together and something wouldn't happen to her, but this wish wouldn't come true.


A/N So the next chapter is the final one before I go back to the Ask The Hamilsquad, but there will be one chapter added on that story and there will be a note saying "You may comment your questions and dares!" this also means Melissa Reynolds will be open for questions/dares! I also do want to state that this is NOT self insert as Melissa is a COMPLETELY different character then me!

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