Getting To Know

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Okay, so what I really wanted to say was for Jan to just back off and leave Zayn and I alone. But I couldn't be that selfish given this opportunity.

But instead another angel falls and saves me.

"Hello, Love." It is Louis Tomlinson.

He takes the bags I am currently lifting before I even have the time to say Hello.

He leads the way to the bus and I follow him. What a gentlemen. But so again, all of them are.

Wow. It looks larger inside than looking at it outside. I can see Harry and Laiza already hitting it off, surfing the net and laughing. I can sense Laiza is still a bit shy but she already is starting to be comfortable around Harry.

Niall is still helping Erica with her bags.

"Here is your very own cabin." He motions toward a huge closet but not too huge for a single person.

"Thanks, Louis." I say, with a smile, wanting to let him know how grateful I am.

"Should I help you unpack?" He asks.

I wanted to say yes just so we can make small talk but I cut myself off realizing all the embrassing things I have in my bags like underwears and my diary which by just looking at it's cover, you can already tell what it is.

"No, but thank you again. I can handle it." I say.

I love his eyes. And his smile.

"Well. See you later, love."

I smile.

Just as he is leaving, he looks back and says "By the way, it's nice to meet you, Icca".

I love the way he says my name. I smile to myself as I unpack my things.


Zayn is such a gentleman! I can't help but link my arms around his as he helps me with my bags. I have been obsessed with him ever since One Direction was made in X-Factor. He also asked me what I liked doing. I told him "Shopping!" and I ask him the same question.

"I like a lot of things." He replies back.

He really is very mysterious.


Harry is so funny. I find it easy to be with him. I can relate to him too much, actually. He likes the movie "Love, Actually" and we start talking about movies and music. I told him a secret, "I like wearing boxers!" and he replies with a whispered "I do too.!".

He tells me that I am cute which makes me blush too much. I look away pretending there is something on my eye. Damn, he really is a flirt.


After I have finished helping Icca, whom I've got to say really takes my breath away. I had to pretend like everything was fine but inside I was squealing with joy. She was just so cute and ---No, I have Eleanor. I gotta stop this nonsense. I just really wanna be her friend. Zayn finally finishes helping Jan and I catch up with him as he was grabbing a soda from the refrigi-refgr-FRIDGE.

"Is that a yes?" I ask, brows raised.

"What?" He asks after gulping down an amount of soda.

"You get Jan and I get Icca now?" I ask.

"Blame your rubbish way of playing Rock,paper,scissors, man. I still won." He says as he walks over to Harry and Laiza surfing the net.


Erica is just so shy but I love that about her. The way she tries to hide her face using her hair or her smile. I don't want to make her feel weird but I don't know how.

I just ask her "What do you like doing?".

"I can play a little bit of guitar." She says, eyes finally perky.

"Cool. Show me." I fetch my guitar and hand it over to her. But she doesn't play.

"Well?" I say.

"By little, I mean really little." She replies.

"Oh, I'll teach you but first give me a song."

"A song?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'm gonna play it for you."

This makes her smile.

"Gotta Be You." She says simply as I start to play it for her.

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