Sun and Latte

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The sun chooses to hide today.

Holding back a sigh, Qian slipped her camera strap onto her shoulder. She was hoping to capture a beautiful scenery for her fall-themed scrapbook, but to no avail.

After a glance at her wristwatch, Qian decided to stop by LatteCakery, a small fuzzy cafe on her way home.


Warmth hugged Qian's body as soon as she stepped into the cafe.

With a smile at a nearby waiter, Qian walked over the counter and felt glad that the cafe was unusually crowded. It was safe enough to say that to walk between people and chairs was simply not her hobby.

"Yes, what would you like to order, Miss? "

A slightly Chinese accented Korean greeting surprised Qian. She looked at the man behind the counter and found a tall, fair skin male with a sweet smile working at the place of the usual grumpy Lee Taeyong.

"Miss? Are you okay?"

The barista had a concerned expression on his face as he waved his hand before Qian's face.

Feeling the slightest blush of embarassment surfacing on her cheeks,Qian cleared her throat and stared at the menu board attentively as if it was the first time she came there.

"Uh,let's see..."

Suddenly, the barista leaned forward, causing Qian to flinch away backward. Only then did she realized that he was just trying to see the board behind him clearly.

"Ah, I'm sorry if I cause any inconvenience to you, I'm just trying to help by suggesting something for you, miss." The barista, or as his nametag read;Winwin bowed at her and kept his distance respectfully.

Trying to make up for the silly jumpiness she was showing, Qian mustered her best smile. "It's okay, I'll take one signature iced latte. Er... Winwin, is Taeyong not working here today?" She added on.

Oh, what a fine way of chatting with a hot guy, Wu Qian.

What? I'm trying,okay?

Great, go ahead. Maybe you can also talk about that time you promised to marry Taeyong if he stop being a crybaby and become a police in future.

Before Qian's mind and heart could have entered the second round of argument, Winwin grinned and paused pouring the iced cubes into the cup to look at her mischievously.

"Ah, I see. You must be one of Taeyong hyung's admirer, right?" He chuckled slightly and handed Qian her cup.

Red spots slowly reappeared on Qian's cheeks.

"Uh-wait-I think you're mistaken. I'm in no way one of the annoying Lee Taeyong's obsessive secret admirer. Never in my whole life as long as I'm sane, anyway." She responded curtly and shook her head.

Winwin grinned knowingly and shrugged as if suggesting that he knew better on the topic.

"I guess you would not want to know if he will be at the afterparty tonight at my house?" He asked with a teasing smile.

Unfortunately, Qian's curiousity beat both her pride and her instinct to be flirtious with the handsome guy before her.

"What after party?" As soon as the question leapt out of her mouth, Qian regretted her own demeanour.

"Ah... I mean, it's not like I'm trying to emerge into his life or something." Qian stammered and shook her head.

For a while, Winwin let his smile caused Qian's continuous irregular rate of heartbeats.

Afterwards, he handed her cup of iced latte. Biting her bottom lips, Qian exchanged some cash with the receipt in Winwin's hand.

Before Qian turn her back towards the male, Winwin cleared her throat and slipped a piece of paper towards her on the glassy surface of the counter.

"Please take this with you." He said clearly and threw another toothy smile towards Qian.

Thinking that it could be a promotional coupon for a free americano on her next visit to the cafe, Qian replied his smile and took it. It was not for at least fifteen minutes later when she was on her bed at home that she remembered about the coupon that she had shoved into her jeans pocket.

Taking a seat at her working desk, Qian smoothened the slightly wrinkled paper slowly. At the center of the paper, a handwritten note was sprawled carefully.

If you want to meet me again, just ask Taeyong hyung about my address.

Dong Sicheng

Slowly, a broad smile took place on Qian's face as she scrolled down a list of numbers in her contacts and sipped her latte with content.

"Hello? Oppa, where are you? Can I know where is..."

Outside, the sun smiled and showered its sunny rays on top of a small apartment building in the busy city of Seoul.

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