It's War!

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"Oppa. I'm bored," Jihee poked Winwin's arm repeatedly from his side. A smile quickly made its way to Winwin's face while he looked up from his laptop.

"Sorry, Jihee. I really have to finish making this slideshow before the night, or else Yuta hyung would kill me." Winwin stopped the clicks of keyboard under his fingertips and threw an apologetic smile at his girlfriend.

Pouting, Jihee pulled a yellow duck plushie into her arms from its position on the pillows. "But oppa, it's Saturday morning. Can't you finish it later? Tonight is a long time away," she complained and toed Winwin's legs under the table.

After tearing his eyes away from the laptop screen where neon green had glared at him nonstop for an hour, (why Yuta had chosen such a bright colour for their slides was beyond his comprehension) Winwin adjusted his spectacles higher up the bridge of his nose and made puppy eyes at Jihee.

"Jihee, I'm sorry. Just a little bit more, okay?" He replied and noted the way Jihee was hugging the ugly duck plushie tightly on the bed like she was trying to kill the duck (not that it was alive, but the thought was what counted) the way she wanted to kill her boredom.

"You've been saying that about eleven times." Jihee looked at the duck plushie in her hand, a thoughtful look on her face as she remembered that she won it for Winwin in a carnival after he won her a weird looking teddy bear with mismatched limbs. "And I really want to go to the book-cafe this morning, but..."

Before Winwin could comprehend what she was about to do, Jihee had waddled over to his study desk with blankets draped over both shoulders and hit Winwin's back with the duck plushie playfully. Jaw slacking, Winwin rubbed his back and stared at her in amusement. "Ow, what was that for?"

"I didn't leave my dorm early in the morning and skip the delicious breakfast Joohyun noona made so that you can keep making excuses for two hours. Finish your work then, I'll just cuddle with your plushies until you have enough time to retaliate." By the end of her rants, Jihee smirked and turned to the bed.

On the count of one...

"Oho, I'm so retaliating right now," Winwin said before sprinting out of the room. Laughing out loud, Jihee grabbed another two huge plushies from the bed; a white teddy bear and a grey dolphin. When she spun around, all that she saw was a purple butt.

"Oof-hey!" Jihee half laughed, half exclaimed and threw the duck plushie in her hand randomly. A groan resonated somewhere in front of her, so Jihee guessed she had hit her target. Her eyes were still blocked with the purple butt, and when she swayed around a lanky purple teddy bear with mismatched limbs fell from the top of her head onto the floor.

Seeing her distracted, Winwin grinned and started to stack some plushies around him in front of the wardrobe. Apparently when he went out, he had collected more than ten plushies for their impromptu plushie war. While he was putting a monkey plushie on top of his quick imitation of Great Wall of China of plushies, Jihee wasted no time to crash into the left side of his barrier and pelted a mini chick plushie his way.

Realising that his defence was kind of useless, Winwin hurriedly dodged the chick plushie and reached for his secret weapon; a gigantic kitten plushie. Staggering backwards at Winwin's menacing smile, Jihee fell onto what she thought was the teddy bear couple, a set which they bought for their two years anniversary.

The male-teddy's stomach was pressed against her back and Jihee almost snorted when a monotone 'I love you' sounded behind her. Almost, because she still had to think about the kitten -was it more appropriate to call it a cat?- plushie in Winwin's arms, which was half her size.

"Oppa, don't hit me with that!" Jihee pleaded and raised the dolphin plushie above her face to hide her giggles. Winwin's smirk grew wider while he advanced towards her.

"Do you regret what you did just now?" Winwin asked cheekily, one hand waving the huge cat plushie in the air. Pouting, Jihee peeked behind the dolphin plushie, which if she was not mistaken, named as Lele.

"Not really-" Winwin widened his eyes at her reply and aimed his throw, causing Jihee to cower behind Lele again. "-no i mean! I mean, I really want to spend my time away with you, so I don't actually regret anything."

If Jihee was not too busy hiding herself behind a soft small plushie, she would have noticed how Winwin's expression softened after listening to her explanation.

"I'm really sorry if you feel neglected," Winwin uttered and stepped over the strewn plushies all around his girlfriend. As he crouched near her, Jihee removed Lele from her face and smiled at him warmly.

"No, it's actually my fault too for interrupting your work. I know how important it's for you to present your case well," Jihee responded and reached for Winwin's hand.

Her boyfriend grinned and interlocked his fingers between Jihee's automatically. "It doesn't matter anyway, I'm hungry after that intense battle," he said suggestively and winked.

Quickly, Jihee beamed and pulled them both up to their feet. "Do you want to try that chocolate doughnut at the new cafe now?" She asked excitedly.

With the same trace of thrills, Winwin followed Jihee's meticulous steps out of the room to avoid the mess they had made in the middle of the room. "Come on then, let's get it. Oh, and when we get back, you're going to help me tidy up my room."

As their voice trailed further away, Jihee's giggle resonated within the walls.

"What, like that particular space of yours is going to miraculously clean up each week by its own? Quite helpless, you know right?"


A. N: I'm really sorry, I don't think I can write as much, or as good as I want. I'm really, very, truly, sorry. Thanks for even reading this! 💚

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