The 'I'll be a proper girlfriend and you can't be a player' bet. (one)

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*Arissa, a tomboy, has always had a weakness for cute boys. Every boyfriend she's had has dumped her because she's stronger than them and acts as if they were HER girlfriend. Eventually they all break up with her because they feel like she doesn't need them. After a break up with Parker, her now ex-boyfriend, she runs into the childhood fr-enemy, Kanon... in her bed?! Arissa told Kanon everything about her love life and all he does as asks "Are you a virgin." So he makes up a game/bet. He bets Arissa that she can't be girly for a year and she bets him he won't have a girl in his bed for a year (Meaning sleeping with them because he's a playya.) Did I mention, they'll be living in the same house? And so, let this bet begin.*


"Your family's rich right?" I heard someone say. I crouched down lower into the bushes, watching someone and my boyfriend. They looked like they were fighting and my Parker wasn't good in fighting. "Y-y-yeah. Why do you want to know?!" Parker asked frantically. I sighed. He should of said no. I continued to watch anyway.

"Well, I need some of your money then. You see, something came up, and I'm in debt. Give me your money, or give me your last words." That hit me. If... if Parker didn't give him money, he was going to kill him. I couldn't let him do anything.

I jumped out of the bushes and dashed towards them. The boy saw me first and pushed Parker out of his way. I sped up and kicked, hitting the boy in the nose. I heard a crack. "What the hell!" he shouted, falling to his knees. I shoved my foot into his stomach and he puked up blood. "Don't threaten Parker again. I'll come back and I'll get your last words." The boy stood up shakily. He glared at me with his hand over his nose. "You'll regret this, you b!tch." He unsteadily began to run away.

I let out a sigh and knelt down in front of Parker. "Hey, you okay?" He sighed and hid his face. "Arissa..." he began. I sat down next to him in the grass. "Yup?" I grinned, asking him.

"Lets break up."

Pain stung me. Did Parker just say... for us to break up?! "What?! Parker, are you serious?!" I shout. I stand up and my fist balls up. Helpless Parker curls up into a ball and barely looks at me. "Don't... don't hit me okay, Arissa? I'm sorry... it's just... everyone makes fun of me. They say I have a monster for a girlfriend. They say horrible things about you... and I just can't take it anymore. I'm sorry, Arissa. We have to end it. I'm tired of you and the teasing." Parker ruefully smiles and my fists unclench. He blinks his eyes and his cuteness is overwhelming me. I had to agree with him, even though I didn't want to break up. "Fine, lets break up. I didn't even really like you. I always thought of you as my little brother," I say, lying right through my teeth. I whirl around and start running away. A breeze picks up and the leaves of the trees start to rustle. I feel tears rush to my eyes and they threaten to jump out.

It has always ended up like this. I always fall for some helpless and cute boy. They think I'm cute, but they don't know my strength. When I show it to them they break up with me. This has always happened and there's really nothing I can do about it.

I open the door to my house and swing it shut. I climb up the stairs and trip on the last step. I'm wobbling and then I hit my head... and everything swirls and the last thing I see are a pair of familiar penguin socks. "Arissa?" a wobbly voice asks.

(Kanda says:

Well I hope you liked this. I'm sorry it's kinda slow but I promise it'll get up in the next chapter. I promise! PINKY SWEAR! Comment or whatever you feel about this. I take all comments in to improve my writing.)

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