Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


Peeta's POV

"Are you serious?" Haymitch blurts out as he spits his drink across the couch. This isn't the reaction I had expected after we just told him that Katniss and I were going to be married. "Yeah, I told you the other day that I was planning on proposing," I tell him confused at how shocked he is. Two days ago when I was on my way to get the ring made with Katniss' pearl and Haymitch was sober, I asked him his opinion on asking Katniss to marry me. He seemed surprised but just told me to do it.

"I didn't think you actually were going to!" he exclaims. Katniss unlaces her fingers from mine and points to her ring. I smile at her and laugh a little as she gives him the annoyed look. "Well he did," she says as she presses her lips to mine. I love it when she kisses me when she's mad because the kisses are harder and it helps to calm her down. We wouldn't have stopped if it wasn't for Haymitch's voice. "Okay, okay! I get the point sweetheart. Congratulations I guess you can say I was just surprised".

Katniss still seems a little upset by his reaction. "What you still think this is all an act? There aren't cameras anymore or people to calm down. Why would I be acting? Do you think I don't love him or something?" she practically screams. Widening his eyes in annoyance, Haymitch mutters, "Yeah, yeah I know you love him. It's him that I'm surprised at."

Katniss and I are both clearly annoyed at him and as I start opening my mouth to reject, Katniss pulls my arm. "Lets go Peeta".

We reach the door when Haymitch yells "Wait, just listen to me for a second". I turn Katniss annoyed and the fiery side of her has clearly come out, although I think it's great when she's frustrated at him. "I am happy for you guys. Really. I just did not expect this after the hijacking. I mean, Katniss I realized after you were about to kill me with a syringe when I told you Peeta was left in the Capitols' hands that you seriously love Bread Boy. But after, you know, he returned and you shut everyone out I didn't expect you two to fall in love again. Sorry I acted like that, I was just really shocked."

Now I'm the one who's shocked. Haymitch has never been this kind of person. Katniss' face has softened a lot now. "Okay. Thanks," she says as we leave . When we're out the door and almost home, I wrap my arm around her shoulder and she sighs a little. I place a soft kiss on top of her head and she stares up at me and smiles a little. "Who should we tell? About the wedding, I mean," I ask her. "Well tomorrow we can call some people. I guess my Mom, Johanna, Annie, Effie... I'm sure plenty of people will want to know," she says and I can tell she's thinking about something "and Gale".

I guess I haven't thought much about Gale or everything Katniss must be thinking about him. "Whoever you want to tell," I smile down at her. As we're about to enter our house, I stop and point to the sunset. "Look, it's beautiful," I tell her. I always remember staring at sunsets together. Some in the Games or on our day on the roof, but many recently as well. "Wow, it's stunning," she says not losing her gaze as she stares at the smudge of yellow that's left over the woods. Turning to look at her, I blurt out the first words that I can think of. "Not as beautiful as you".

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