Chapter 23: Stayin' Alive

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Chapter 23: Stayin' Alive

AN: Gess wat goys! Someon posted a quote from this fic on Tumblr! It was on the page Super Smash Brothers Fanfiction, and i thing it was originaly postded by spamhamblogtime. Tank u spamhamblogtime, whovever u ar. I wood elsa like 2 think my reverers 4 liken mah storey. And remeber 2 reed my otter story abot lemin. I gess im famis now becase i hav may own quote picture! Tim well neber bee famouse lickily.

Chapter Twenytoo Recap!: I rote a knew store, Sakrai reds Saras story, he leves a trolly coment, Sara thanks hes in treble, she fines Sockeri, he blams Bill Trinen, Trentin dyes, it inst relaly him, and Mastahero hates Blill.

Chaptre beggin!

Knot two long ego, Cia was killed by Malon, and now Robin has swearded revegde agenst her! And now he has huntened her down!

Malon was looking up peple woo link ussed 2 date so she cold kill them, when Robin walked up! "I know you killed Cia, and I swore my revenge! Now I finally have the chance to kill you!"

"Ono!" yelled Maon. "Im serrry 4 killen her, but she did desserve it, so im not relly sory."

"Alright, b*tch! I guess it's time for you to die!" He reached for his tomes so that he could use a spell, but it was missing! Instead, a book titled A Very Hungry Caterpillar was in its place! "The f*ck? Where are my tomes?"

Robin wasn't abel to fite back because of his missing tomes, so Malon stabbed him to death with a knife. Much 2 her disbay, he healed and cam back 2 lief! She killled him agin but he steel woldent dye! "Just doy olreddy!" After krillin him hundreds of thames, she got sack of it. "U no wat, Ill just get rid of himm!"


Robin woke up on the ground, and he thought he could faintly smell some fish. "Where am I?" he mumbled.

"Hey, Robin," said a familiar voice. "Want some fish sticks? Just kidding, you can't have any. Om nom nom!"


Meanwhile, Link was forcing Navi to watch the Human Centipede, and she was feeling extremely sick. Mallllllon ran up and started 2 talk to them. "Goys, noone ken die! Iv tryed killen alot of peple but nohting happpens!"

"Onion!" bled link. "That meens i wont be eble to kill aneone anymerr! Lets find out ho dis it!"

Later at tinglers castile, link waked up to him to fine out wat was gooing on. "Olrate, yu befefldf! Tell mii wat da beep is goin on! Noon is dieing!"

"Wat? I had no idae!"

"So it wuzzent u?"

"Why wood i stop evryone frum dying? I love murder!"

Than we half 2 fined hose ding this!"

So, the two enemy groups joined forces to discover the culprit.


(Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees begins playing in the background)

Navi is seen reading books on magic and immortality, while Link is looking at sexy pictures of Snap, Loopin, and Mr. Bonding. When she tells him that he needs to get to work, he pepper sprays her.

Tingle travels to the afterlife using the power of rock to ask God what is happnen, when he is attacked by an angry cat. It's Fukura, and he wants his VHS tapes for Sex and the City back.

Tingle's evil team, currently consisting of Darth Epona, Waldo, Hannibal, and Ben were on a search party so that they could find any immortality-causing artifact, but they were bored, so they got stoned and started dancing to "Let's Go to the Mall" on Just Dance.

Enoby was killing some preppy mother f*kers, when they came back to life. The goff started crying tears of blood because of the unending preppiness, and she decided to just torture them instead if she couldn't kill them.

"I have a grate ideal!" yolo'd Ling. "I can kill anywun i want withot gettin in truble, so i shood go keel whooever i want!"

"Link, just because you can kill people without getting in trouble doesn't mean that it is the right thing to do."

"F*kc U!" he yedded, chopping Navi in half.

Later, lonk killed the entire population of Hyrule for the evulz. "Aw man! Now noone can stay ded! At least i got to experiense mass murder today." Link made a kawaii winky face.

When Navi came back to life, she continued investigating the issue, until she discovered a book of prophecies! It prophesized that an eldritch abomination would one day awake and make everyone immortal so that it could absorb their life energy, causing it to gain infinite power and eat the entire planet like that Egyptian snake, except the snake wants to eat the sun, and this thing wants to eat the earth. It is called...yule half 2 fined out laterr!


"Link, I found out what was causing this! An eldritch abomination has been giving everyone temporary immortality so that he can eat the world!"

"Lol! But what is itt?"

"It is called...The Very Hungry Caterpillar!" Dun dun dun!111111 "It was sealed inside of a book to contain its power, but it is starting to become powerful again!"

"I no! we ken destroi da book!"

"Well, that would let people die again, but that would also release the caterpillar into the world, and it would—,"

Link took out a fire rod and destroyed the book. "Look i keeled it!"


"Know we knead to test if everyone is still immortel!" Link took out a gun and pointed it at Navi.

"Wait! Don't do—." Link shot Navi in the head and blasted her brains out.

"Well, i gess that noone is immerdle animore!" link luffed.

Malon walked over 2 Lenk 2 seew hat's harpooning, when the book's ashes starded to move! It turned into, a little caterpillar! Darth Vader walked up to it and picked it up. "Now I haved helped you, my little caterpiller. Soon u will half all of your powers back, and u will destra the word!" Darthy gave the bug a kiss.

"Epona, wat r u doin?" link askuestiontarrogated.

"Oh, i am Dart Vaden, byt im not epona. I'm..." the sith took off the mask to reveal that Vader was...Agitha! Dun Dun DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!1111111111111111 What a twist!

"Malon, i am your evil clone!"

AN: WOw, wat a tweest! I betted u wernt expectation that! Navi may bae dead, but SPOOLER ALART! she isnt ded foreverr! i wish timmy was through. And read my other story! And review to! Plz...

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