Chapter 61: Icarus and the Greens

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AN: Hello, everyone! Sorry I haven't been able to post a chapter recently, but I've been on vacation for the past couple weeks. I vonder vhat tims doin this summer PROBOBLY SOMTHIN AASIAN AND SHITTY LIKE USUIL. But I will have some time for a short chapter today until I leave again, so I probably won't post another chapter for about two weeks. Also, I need some suggestions for members of the ANTI-TINGLING SENSATION! Please tell me your ideas in the comments!

Chapter Sexty Recap!: Tinkling Sanitation, everyone hates Lonkle, TIngle hats her to but its all accord to his plan or some shit, Snoke and Jong se link, link as a huge as hole, f*ck link, Hannibal luvs tumblr & Sherluk, L hates him and wanks 2 be da words greatest defective, why is this chapter about L and Sherlock Holmes, this is a Zelda fanfic NOT A F*CKING SHERLOCK AND DEATH NOTE CROSSOVER, Atari britishly helps Ll, he fines Serlock, Yaoi stuff, DEDUCTION BATTLE, Sjerlock wins, he reserches da tinging lsenstions, and he teems with Yoshi to from the ANTI TINGKING SENSATION!111

Chaptre beggin!



AN: DONT THINK I HAVENT HERD WAT U REVIOWERS HAVE BEN SAIN ABOT ME! I no that Osamba and Epony hav put u up 2 it! I elsa hear about somtin very scurry! Theres another tipe of gay caled trains gender wo r girls with pens an bois wilth vags! They get the rong parts put on them using obana care wfrom are tax mony! And then sense they have the opusite parts the can rap peple hoo dont no that there a boy r girl! Somone cold date a boy an hav them turn ot 2 be a gurl an rape them! Now i ned 2 be carful around bois 2!

i was lookin at pics of hot gus lik Caning Tetum 2 kep sinful thots out of my hed when i saw nes wank up! "heya Sara," sed Nest.

"Wate hess" i asked. "y r u warring pink slipers pink is a color 4 girls an gays!"

"Thats becase i am gay" he sed and i jumped away.


"And im not nesp anymore my knew nam s SNAS UNDERTAIL!" and he took of his mask and he was a seriatim! "I was rapped so hard thet my skin cum of an i was a evil skeletim! I am from evul librul gam claled Oondertale wich teches kidds librul thinks like majick an furrys an gays!" sed sand.

"ha but u cant rape me yere a guy!"

"That dosent meen i cant kell u!" Sin ses.

"Ono!" i yeled.

He yel "Yere gona half bed tim!" wich i herd was his cach frase an then he shoots a boner at me!

"Halp!" i screm.

But sudanly, somun cums an shots Snas awai! It was...VISA PRECIDENT PENSE!

"What the f*ck did I just read?" questioned Cia in horror.

The Hot Topic Krew was having a meeting in Palutena's house in order to discuss how to defeat Sara and her evil Westboro Baptist Church Army. The goddess was currently away on tour with Icarus and Bean for their band, Icarus and the Greens (much to Pittoo's horror). And although they are in the title of this chapter, they actually don't have anything to do with it.

"That homophobic bitch has been posting new awful stories for the past few months ever since she heard that someone made a 'librul' parody of her story," explained Lucina.

"What an bitch," said Dark Pit. "Anyone have any ideas of how to stop her?"

"I might," said Robin, as he is the tactician. "We cou-"

He was unable to finish, as Cia loudly shushed him. "Wolf WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING STOP LICKING YOUR BALLS DURING THE MEETING! And Viridi, why are you smoking weed, YOU'RE A F*CKING CHILD!"

"As I was saying, we could-"

Suddenly Pit walked through the door.

"Satan Judas, we're in the middle of something Pitstain! And what are you wearing."

"Oh this? I'm just wearing this to show off my national pride! But not for America! Ever since Donald Trump crushed my patriotism, I realized that the true greatest country is Canada, the great white north!" Pit was wearing a Mountie uniform and holding a bottle of maple syrup.

He pulled Dark Pit into his room to give him a tour. "Why the hell is this room so cold?"

"I wanted it to feel like the real country, eh? Canada is what it's really all aboot! Unlike America, Canada is much less crowded, has more lakes, Meese (which is moose plural), polar bears, maple syrup, Canadian bacon, NO TRUMP, hockey, eskimo, Robin Sparkles, and best of all, JUSTIN TRUDEAU!"

The patriotic angle began to worship his shrine of Trudeau while playing his favorite song, "Let's Go To the Mall."

"This Canada Day, we're going to have a huge celebration! We'll play a game of hockey, and the winner gets a gallon of maple syrup! Afterwards, we'll ride on our meese to the majestic Canadian Rockies and sing my beautiful country's national anthem, 'O Canada.'"

"O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee."

Pittoo slipped out of the room halfway through the song. But much to his dismay, the meeting was already over.

"F*ck, why didn't you wait for me?"

"Sorry babe," apologized Lucas, "But we kind of had to hurry, since your mom gets back from her tour tonight."

"Please don't remind me of that horror. And whatever, just tell me what everyone went over."

"We had it all written down on this board," pointed out Robin.


1. Leave harsh comments on her fanfic.


AN: Well, that's it for today! I'll hopefully be back soon, and please leave me a review if you would like! I would like to bury tim alive and build a Chipotle over his pathetic corpse.

Tingles Raveng: The TinglingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ