The hotel

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Lisa's POV

Sam walks back to me differently. She has no facial expression.

"How did it go?" I ask excitedly.

"It was normal. He just handed me the notes, explained what we did, ask me if I needed help, I said I did to see if he would put his arm around me or something but he didn't. Then he checked his phone and said he had to go because his locker is on the other side of the school. Then he just left like it was no problem."


"If he says anything about me this weekend text me right away." She says referring to the hockey tournament this weekend.

"Ok. Love ya." I say giving her a hug.

"Yeah ok" she says sadly.

"Hey" I grab her chin. "Don't dwell on this to much. Ok?"


"If you're sad go on YouTube watch One Direction videos and eat ice cream. You'll be fine."

"Ok. Have fun this weekend."

"I will and I promise I will text you if anything happens."

"You better. Bye."


As I walk into the hotel I see Alex right away. I walk to him when he sees me.

"Hey Lisa! Nice suitcase." We both look down at it. I forgot my suitcase was bright pink.

"Oh yeah" I feel your cheeks get hot.

"Have you seen the pool here?" he says quickly changing the subject.

"No but I've herd it's cool."

"Come on. I'll show you."

" One sec. I'll just give my mom my bag." As I walk over to her she looks over at Alex then at me.

"You and Alex huh?" She says.

"Gross mom! He's just going to show me the pool!" When I say he is gross it doesn't feel entirely true.

"Ok here is your key. Be back to the room by ten that gives you 3 hours."

"Ok. I kind of want to go swimming so we'll see what happens.

"Have fun! Do you have your phone?"

You pull it out of your back pocket to show her.

"Good! Have fun!"

"I will!"

Alex's POV

As Lisa walks towards me with her hair trailing be hind her, She looks beautiful. I'm happy its just me and her. If Samantha was here that would be to much. Their both beautiful. I would love to date both of them but I can only have one. I also feel like that if I dated one of them it would wreck there friendship and I know how much that means to them. At first when Sam was going to a different Junior High, when ever they would talk about the end of the year it would bring tears to there eyes. At first it was just going to be me and Lisa until Sam's parents didn't want to split them up. If Sam went to another school I would have asked Lisa out already but I can't split them up. All my friends think it's stupid to think of there feelings, but I can't risk my friendship with both of them again. In 6th grade when I only liked Lisa I became Volleyball team captain but she didn't. I had to pick a girl first so I picked Lisa. Sam got on a different team and they both ended up crying after gym. They both didn't talk to me for a day. That was hard.

"Alex! My mom says I have till 10."

"That's good."

"I'll show you the way to the pool."

It looks like a water park and Lisa's face when she sees it is priceless.

"Awesome isn't it?!"

"Yeah. Now I really want to go swimming."

"We can in you want"

"Yeah. I want to. I'm going to head up to my room to change."

"What room are you guys in?" I ask her.

"407. What about you?"

"406 right across the hall."

"Cool lets go."

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