Bad news :(

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I am sorry to inform you that I will be discontinuing Mine. This story started on Valentines day when something big happened between me and my crush. Whenever I need to express my feelings I write. So that's how Mine started. Months later I found out my crush was a total player and heartbreaker. I cried for weeks over him and now I'm just done. He was the inspiration for this story and I'm trying to forget him as much a possible. I'm getting rid of everything he's ever given me and he kinda gave me this. I'm sorry for any disappointment.

I will be leaving this message up for exactly 1 month. When that month is up I will be deleting Mine. That give you time to comment about what you think or any advice for me (I need it!)

Again, sorry for this. Bye! -Lou

P.S. I think I'll be doing the same thing like Imagine. Every week I'll publish till the story runs out. -Lou

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