A glimpse at"Sweet collision of destiny"

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"All of them. They say the same thing. They all sing the same old lullaby that I know so well by heart. They all say that they understand. But in reality they don't. They don't really understand, let alone get the slightest idea of what you are actually going through. This pain. This pain it so bad that you can't sleep at night. Pain so bad that it gives you nightmares every time you close your eyes. Pain so bad that the pain itself is afraid of the pain. Pain so bad that you can't do anything but be its slave and dance to its tune. And let it hurt you again and again. They would never not ever understand. How painful it is to endure the pain. How difficult it is to smile every single day despite all this agony and pain. They would never understand..." She wrote as a river of tears cascaded from her beautiful eyes. Every single tear that fell held an unspoken story. A story of agony and pain. A story of misery and sorrow.


People say that eyes are the doorway to a person's soul. I think now, I know why. Those pair of eyes with a shade of green. No, deep, dark with gold at their centers. They were alluringly beautiful that you could stare at it and get lost in it for ages. Maybe even forever. But if you looked at them more intently, deep down you would discover another world. A whole new world full of untold stories and unearthed mysteries. I didn't know the name of the person to whom those pair of eyes belonged to. But they certainly were the most exquisite pair of eyes I have ever seen. They seemed familiar yet so unfamiliar. The feeling was indescribable. I don't know why, but my inner self kept calling me to help and comfort those eyes. It was like a string. Not one string, but a million strings all trying to tie me with one thing. The owner of those beautiful eyes, Her.


Assalam Alaikum everyone!! Okay. So where do I start? Well, this my very first book that I am actually going to keep updating till I finish the book. In sha Allah.( You see, I actually, published one book and then deleted) My first plan was to write a love story. But then again I thought only a love story would not be so thrilling. So, I planned to write a murder mystery combined with a love story. And 'Tadaa.' Here it is! I really hope you guys enjoy reading this book because I, myself absolutely adored writing this one. Please don't be shy to post comments on how you feel about the book. Or any questions you want to ask. Just feel free. Oksii? ^_^. In sha Allah, I'll always reply as soon as possible.

And yes! One more thing. I'll update the next one as soon as I get, hmm.. Let's say, 5 views, 2 stars or maybe 1 and 4 comments. Hehe. I am not expecting so much for now. :P My first time na ;)

So all of you! What are you waiting for? Click "Sweet collision of Destiny" and start reading it right away! :D <3

Loads and loads loads of love,

Miss.author <3

(Will tell my name later. Just go with this one for now. Okay? ^_^)

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