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    "When you're heartbroken because things don't make sense,talk to Allah. Speak silently from the bottom of  your heart. Wallahi, I promise you Allah will listen and mend your fragile heart. For, HE was the one who made it."

Hayaa's POV

The majestic sunrise was slowly replacing the twilight. A pinkish glow, a soothing lavender and a brilliant amber was seeping over the horizon. Oranges, reds and peaches were painted across the clouds as if by a celestial hand. For a moment, I was lost in my deep sea of thoughts. The way how the sky changes its colors so quickly reminded me of the day how my happy life turned into a miserable life in a matter of mere seconds. Not more than a millisecond and I watched every happiness and every blessing in my life fade away until nothing more was left beside a dark cloud of misery, insecurity, melancholy, agony and pain. Nothing ever lasts forever. Nothing..... Memories of that day are still clearly etched in my heart. Not even a single day passes without me thinking about it... Even if I close my eyes, those reminiscences keep on flooding my brain. It's so hard to not think about it. Every time those memories haunt me, I try my best to not think about it. But not everything goes the way I plan them to go. *Breathes out a deep breath* well, that's life. There will be moments you'd want to just disappear from this miserable world. There will be moments you'd want to give up on life. There will be moments you feel so broken that it's hard to even breath or stand and worst of all move on. The downs in life are just a sum up of all these kinds of moments put together. You just need to be patient and have this hope in your heart that one day, just one day, your sorrows will blossom a breathtaking spring in your heart. And most importantly, pray and make dua all you can. Let those tears that you've been holding for so long fall. Let them fall. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Tears doesn't represent weakness, but instead it represents courage. Pour your heart out. Allah will be there to listen. He will always be there to listen. And you will surely find peace in your heart. 


After doing all the daily chores, I went for shopping. When I was done with shopping it was half past 6 and it was getting dark. I wondered how I would carry all these heavy bags of fruits, vegetables and other kitchen vitals alone because they were so heavy that I felt as if I were carrying two heavy strong metals.

I was half way to my car when I felt as though I was being followed. I hurried my footsteps despite the heavy bags. But Alas! To my surprise, my follower also quickened their footsteps. So, I literally started running and I suddenly I tripped over something and fell off. All the contents in the bags were scattered everywhere. And that was when, I saw my followers. They wore masks on their faces so I couldn't tell who they were. There were like 8 of them. All of them were well built and strong. They surrounded me like a pack of hungry lions who finally found their prey.

"Look what we've got? Nice one eh?" One of them spoke. I couldn't tell who because of their masks.

"Ooh. Yeah! We've got a ninja terrorist! And a female one too." The other replied cunningly.

Just then, a strong wind blew revealing the side of my face and all of them gasped. Before, the wind blew the rest of my face veil, I quickly secured my veil back.

"Ehhmm. Ehmm. Looks like this one is a hot chick hiding behind a black veil. Did you guys see the side of her face? So damn hot man."

I nearly choked on my own saliva. What do they think I am? A toy for them to play with? I was still in the position when I fell. I didn't dare to move because I was scared. They were all well-built and they even had knives in their hands.

Ya. Allah please save me from these filthy people! I was so nervous, frightened, panicked, worried. Name any emotion that was related to fear. And I was it. My heart was beating so fast, it felt like it would break my ribcage and come out. My throat was all dry. Dry as bone. My hands felt like ice even though I felt fear fire up my body.

They were all closer to me than before. There was no one who I can call for help. Not even a sign of a living human being on this huge road. I was all alone. I tried to scream for help but the only thing that left my throat was a light painful moan. Never in my life have I thought such a thing to happen to me. I was so helpless and lonely. I didn't know what else to do so, I curled myself into a ball and surrounded my hands around me. Ya Allah! please please save me!!! 

(A/N: Well, here's another chapter. Hope you all enjoyed reading.  Again sorry for the late late late late update.😅 Anyway, love you all a lot for your love and support.Specially my dear ghost readers. Where'd I be without you?  ❤❤
Yeah. And those of you wondering where I was all these days. Alhamdhulilah I am doing good. I miss you all♥ and yeah. Have a good day. Until then Salaams)

Lots of Love,

Miss author 

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