Chapter 5

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" Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made the one of them to excel the other and because they spend (to support them) from their means".

(Quran, Surah An-Nisa, 34)


A/N : Assalam Álaykum my beautiful readers! How are you all? I pray you are all in good health and in the best of Imaan. Aameen. Soo, I am feeling very generous today and thought of updating sooner than promised! :D YAY! Also, the next chapter will be updated as soon as this chapter reaches 50 reads! In Sha Allah!

Anyway, Here goes the new chap!

Have an amazing read!

Bismillah. Let's begin!


Falah's POV

Keeping my eyes on the silhouettes, I made my way to the end of the street, forgetting the main reason why I came here. I don't know why, but I ran so fast as if my life was in danger until I felt a hand strongly hold my wrist out of nowhere. Instantly stopping me on the tracks with that firm grip of his. "Ya Allah! Who is it now?" Irritated and mad, I thought to myself.

I mean who wouldn't? I was almost 3 meters away! Clearly annoyed and frustrated, I turned around to see a man in his mid-30's looking at me. He was very well-dressed. His eyes; a well of jet-black ink, holding a gaze more fearsome than a tiger. A thin paper cigarette was hanging from his bottom lip and a small trail of smoke was escaping from the corner of his mouth dancing its way up and disappearing in to the thin air. Yup. Just by the look, I knew that he was surely the Gang leader. Or as known in their language, "The Mafia Boss".

The minute I turned to face him, he calmly said, "Woah! Woah! Woah! Hey there gentleman! Where are you heading off to eh?"

The smell of alcohol was clearly evident in his breath as he spoke. I didn't bother to reply to his question and instead, tried to free myself from his strong grasp. I used the techniques I learned from my self-defense classes. I broke free from his grip within a blink of an eye and dashed my way to where his men were circling. By the look of bewilderment on his face, it was obvious that he wasn't expecting it all! "Haha. I didn't earn a black-belt for no reason!" I proudly thought to myself.

As I drew closer, my heart started beating faster and it became clear what they were saying. They were trying to molest a girl! They were saying all these haram things that they'd do to her. Astaqfirullah. Better not talk about it. I looked at the middle of their circle to see someone clothed in black, curved up into a ball. She was shaking like anything and one of the men intoxicated and lust filled, was trying to grab on her Niqab and she was fighting against it by hiding her face and curving herself into a ball. And the others were closing in on her and cheering for what that man was doing!

That was it! I couldn't handle it anymore! Before they could do anything else, adrenaline kicked in and I started fighting with the drunkards in order to save the girl.

My first target was the one who was trying to take her Niqab off. I grabbed him by the collar and turned him to me and smacked on his face. "How dare you touch an innocent girl? Shame on you! "I yelled with disgust and hatred as I was punching him. He fell face first on the ground, and his mouth flooded with mud left near the pavement from yesterday's rain.

Bruised, he snarled onto his palms and his knees, spitting out the warm blood. For almost a second, they were all trying to process what just happened. As he was struggling to get to his feet, wiping his chin with the back of his hands the others made their way to me in all directions, trying to get revenge for what I did.

I did get a few bruises here and there, however, I did manage to defeat them all. When I was done, all of them were lying on the ground, agonizingly groaning and turning side to side in pain. Too drained and injured to get up even on to their knees!

After seeing my successful outcome, I breathed a satisfying breath and started scanning the place, trying to find the girl. I started panicking and my heart started pounding at an increasingly rapid speed when I couldn't find her anywhere in sight.

Then, a familiar voice spoke in a heavy old British accent from behind.

"Are you by chance looking for her?" he said in a cynical tone.

I ferociously turned around to see the girl tightly clasped in one hand, and in the other, a gun pointed straight toward her temple, his fingers were wound around the trigger ready to pull it any minute.

I looked at the innocent Niqabi. Her eyes were widened, and her green orbs with a tint of gold were becoming glacier blue and the white of her eyes were bloodshot under the sheen of thousand oceans of tears in her eyes.

Tears were raining down her eyes at lightening speed drenching her Niqab with each drop. Gut wrenching sobs were escaping from her mouth and her breaths were ragged and harsh. Her hands were trembling at her sides and her slender body was shivering convulsively with fear.

I don't know why, but it felt like my heart was breaking into a thousand pieces with each tear that fell from her eyes. With each agonizing, fear struck moan that left her mouth it felt as though my soul was being tossed and turned.

Seeing her helpless state, adrenaline started flooding my system, pumping and beating like it was trying to escape. When my legs impulsively stepped forward to save her, I felt the point of a gun bore into the back of my head from behind. I come to a halt.

"One step forward and she DIES!"


A/N: Soo what do you think will happen next?

Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas down below in the comments. Please don't be shy. (I don't bite! :P)

Thank you for your time in reading this Chapter! <3

P.S. NEXT CHAPTER AFTER 50 READS! So don't forget to vote and share! The sooner this chapter reaches 50 reads, the sooner next chapter will be updated! In Sha Allah!

Take really good care of yourself my amazingly beautiful readers!

Until Next time, Assalam Álaikum Warah mathullahi wabara kaathuh!

Lots of love,

Miss author

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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