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(A/N: Salaams Beautiful souls out there! Many many sorries for not updating sooner. Somethings in life just came in my way. Anyway, here is a long chapter for you all. I hope you all accept my apology and enjoy this chapter!💐 Grab some popcorn, blanket and pizza and coke and all that stuff and begin reading!!📖🎉

Once again, this chapter is dedicated to my beautiful friend @blackygrl, my bestie and all of you

Hayaa's POV

Yes, I have endured enough. Ever since my parents passed away, my life has always been like this. I am treated like a slave. Well, actually worse. I know, if my parents were alive I wouldn't have to live this miserable life. Kids of my age, probably would have finished their studies in a school, they would probably sleep in nice cozy beds. Unlike me, I am not even allowed to go to school or let alone sleep in a bed. I sleep in the garage with nothing to keep me warm except for some old newspapers. And the floor in the corner where all the spiders, cockroaches and mice lives is my bed. I'm sure no one would ever dare to sleep near them and would try to kill them. But as for me, they were my friends and family. The only family I have. And the garage is my happy place.

Sometimes at night I would wake up and try to imagine how my life would be if my parents were still alive with me. I imagine myself as those ordinary kids whose parents kiss goodnight to them. The kids who sleeps in peace under a warm blanket knowing they were safe and that someone loved them. My imagination would work for a while, but the cold nights always brought me back to my reality. I know no one can help me except Allah, the almighty. Other than that, I was on my own. So every night I do my thahajjudh prayers and make dua to Allah to make me strong and to help me get through this. And lying on the cold icy floor in the darkness of the garage, gazing at the stars, I cry all my unshed tears until I fall into deep slumber.


The next morning I woke up just as the fajr azan(call for prayer) was being called. I quickly finished my prayers and went to the house to do my everyday chores. When I entered the house I could hear my aunt hustling around the kitchen talking to someone on the phone. Since I knew she was in the kitchen I went to the garden to water the plants in order to avoid her. I felt I was just not ready to let her ruin the start of my day, not that the other days are not ruined. *sigh*

I was about to go in when I accidentally caught a glimpse of the breathtaking scenario as the golden sun flooded the horizon with its spellbinding golden light, somehow reminding me that my buried hopes will one day rise from their sepultures and I will break free from this imprisonment. I didn't know for how long I stayed there taking in the magnificent view. All I know is that, I was brought back to reality when I heard my aunt shouting my name.


"I am here in the garden ma'am. I'll be right there" I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline as I sprinted towards the kitchen like I was running for my life.

"Oh! So finally the witch came "She said as soon as I came.

"Anyway, I have an important announcement to make. We have guests coming over at our place tonight. So make sure to cook a delicious meal. Clean every inch of this house. Make sure there isn't even a single spot of dirt on the floor or anywhere. Everything should be neat, clean and sparkling. Like no one ever touched them or used them before. Everything should be perfect. And go out of the house to the garage as soon as you finish everything. Don't you dare let anyone see you or even come out here into the house or the garden .If you did, know that there won't be anyone worse than me. Understand!!!!" she demanded.

"Yes aun- I mean ma'am. "

"You better!!Oh wait, wait wait!! You were going to call me aunt weren't you?" she said angrily as she grabbed my hijab from behind and threw it off. I ducked in knowing that she was aiming to grab my hair. My heart was beating so fast. And fear was certainly evident in my eyes.

"YOU" she said furiously as she pushed me back and started walking towards me with her finger pointed at me.

"DON'T YOU EVER, NOT EVER CALL ME THAT!!" she said walking towards me with each word while I took steps back with every step she took until I was pinned to the wall. My body tensed as she grabbed my wrist, her nails digging into my skin like knives. Tears welled up in my eyes because of the pain her nails were causing me. I tried to break out of her grip but unfortunately, I made the wrong move. She tightened the grip on me and blood started oozing out from my wrists. This time, pain shot through my veins like high volt electricity. I bit my lip hard to lessen the pain I was going through. I didn't want to show her I was in pain. She smirked at my behavior and turned around, her eyes searching for something to attack me with. Just when her gaze caught hold of the forks and was about to reach them, her daughter Amal came with her phone.

"Mum, they are on the phone. They said they want to have a word with you." Amal said eyeing the mobile on her hands like they were hiding something from me. I didn't bother. Because it has always been like this.

Aunt threw me a look that said, you got lucky today but I'll be back for more and left the kitchen.

"Phew! That was close. Thank you Allah!" I thought while trying to control my racing heart and shivering figure.

After that incident, I went and did all the things that she ordered me to do and went to my respective place-the garage or as I call it-home. It was half past seven when the guests came into their house because I could hear the booming laughter of my Aunt. Like Aunt said, I didn't go to the house. I know better than not following her orders. So I stayed in my happy place reading one of my favorite books, "The Kite Runner" by Khalid Housseini.


(A/N: Sooooooo, how was it?🙈 Do tell me your views about it.

What do you think her aunt and her cousin is hiding from her?

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And And aaand, the next chapter will be updated when I get 30 votes InSha Allah 💕

Lots and lots of love,♥

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