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It all started 3centuries ago. I was born into a family of five we were all living, i lived with my divorced mother who got separated from my father after giving birth to just one girl because all my dad wanted were just male children.
Mum single handedly took care of me and my siblings though young, mum vowed never to get married again.
At age 12 i began to discover my talent was singing. I could sing my heart out and sing the whole city to sleep but mum always 
discouraged me when ever i told her how i really loved singing. She said i wouldn't pursue a music career that her plans for
me was to become a doctor. I told her one could be a doctor and still pursue a music career she usually discouraged me a lot.

My friends would usually mock me, and insult me  saying i was not sociable and they even went to the extent of saying that
my mum was so hard and wouldn't let me pursue a music career. Whenever they said so, i would always shut them down and told them even if
mum wouldn't allow me to pursue a music career that doesn't make her harsh and old-fashioned. I let go of those friends because they couldn't and they wouldn't do me any good.
I would always pray for a helper to come across me one day i was singing while walking along the street, i never knew people noticed how good i sang. But one day i think God answered my prayer but the devil turned it into bad news. While walking along the street,and singing also a lady named Mika walked by and called me out she said she really loved my voice and the way i sing i began to blush, which made her told me she was a music producer that she would love to sponsor me into the music world.
I felt the earth swallowing me up it was all like a dream to me but there was a but there, she said only if she could get me turned in.

Turned in how? the same question Sandra asked me came popping into my head. I asked her she then motioned me to come closer to her and suddenly in a whirlwind, i found my self in an uncompleted building. Suddenly she told me she was a vampire, i screamed and when i tried to run away with just a stretch of her hand, she caught me and she told me vampires don't kill but i was persistent and she showed me her fangs, and pierced it into my throat, and transferred her vampire blood into me, which automatically made me turn into a vampire. During the transformation, i felt a warm breeze sweep through my body like a slight wave.

I then found out i was a vampire. I ran away and went home i never told anyone about it i became a vampire at age 12.
Being the eldest in the family, i was expected to age before my brothers and sister but i didn't i never even fell sick for once in my life. Everyone was surprised how i did it because i was a sicklier and expected to die at age 25 or if i live pass it then i would live a normal life. At age 25 i was still fresh, and young. Years later,my junior brothers and sister were getting old, but i still was young even Mum was worried.
When a year passed and i did not age, mum became worried she therefore called me one night and spoke to me she asked if i had done juju(vodu) i told her no and she then yelled asking me how i did not age, and how i did not get sick for the past 13 years.
She began to yell it for the whole neighbour hood to hear her voice and then she said what really stunned me what i never knew she could say. She said " You have gone and sold your soul to the devil to look good young and healthy" this made me lost my mind, and i therefore ran away from home because even the villagers also noticed it too.
I never got married till i saw a very young beautiful girl. The beauty of this girl was a sight to behold her name was Kobey. Kobey was the daughter of the most powerful wizard in the universe which made her a witch.
I came across her in the forest practicing her magic when suddenly she fell in love with me as most girls do. She took me down to her cottage and housed me for two nights which on the third night, after she gave me food to it and wine to drink i became so drunk that i went into her. I felt every part of her body and the intense of her perfume aroused me more. When suddenly her dad appeared from no were cursing me in different tongues saying i just disvirgined his daughter and he was going to kill me for this when sudddenly my vampire instincts made me think of school which was were i saw my self. So that was how it started

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