chapter 3

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When Alex awoke from his nap it was almost five o'clock and time to eat. He also awoke in a large crib in the spare room and as he looked down he saw that his diaper had leaked through both his diaper and onesie. He cried until his brother came in and lifted him out of the crib after a bit of work because of his weight. Tim then lay him down on a changing table saying that he had clearly used his diaper.

He began to undo Alexs onesie and took it off, leaving Alex in just a soaking diaper. He then proceded to undo the tabs and remove the diaper, but as he took it off, his face screwed up and he Gagged from the sight and smell of Alexs poo mushed up against his skin. Tim then stopped breathing through his nose and continued wiping the mess away. He then applied cream and powder and a new diaper.

Tim then lifted Alex up and placed him on the floor before sitting on a chair, grabbing a bottle of warm milk and putting Alex on his lap. He then proceded in feeding Alex the milk and when he was done, he carried him downstairs, put him in a highchair and fed him baby food.

Tim carried Alex upstairs to his own room and asked him if he would put his pull-up on him. He said he could stop being a baby for a moment while he puts a pull-up on Tim. Then Tim said, wait, no don't put a pull-up on me, I want to see how one of your diapers feels. Their parents were out so he did as Tim told him and went to get one of his diapers and powder and cream. He then took Tim's cloths off except for his boxers. He then picked him up and took him to the nursery. He then pulled Tim's pants down revealing his brother fully naked upfront of him, a sight he hadn't seen in years. He loved his brother though and so continued. He took some cream and massaged it into Tim's thighs and private parts. He did the same with powder and then grabbed a diaper and put Tim In it. He helped Tim up and only then realised go full his own diaper was. Tim thanked him and then changed Alexs full diaper but instead of putting a new diaper on him, he picked his naked brother up and took him into the toilet where be sat him on the closed toilet and began running a bath.

He said that Alex stank and needed a wash. Once the bath was ready he picked Alex up and put him into it. He then put soap on his older brother and scrubbed him clean. After half an hour, Tim lifted Alex out of the bath and dried him off with a towel and put him in a diaper.

Tim then carried Alex to his cot and put him into it while he got into his bed, curled up and slowly filled his diaper with poo and Wee as he fell to sleep, something he had never done before but loved doing. At half past eleven their parents came home to find the Two boys both in usef diapers asleep in bed. Then they realised, they had two tbdl's.

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