It's a Nest.

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  As you surly know, Remus John Lupin is, to put it lightly, a hair magician. No matter if he's made it to apear as if he just rolled out of bed, (very sexy. In fact, Sirius' favorite although he would never admit) combed into a part so sharp and precise it could cut a bitch, or somewhere in between. But no matter what he does or how many cans of hair spray he goes through in five minutes, it always turns out a magnificent peice of art that no one else in the history of hogwarts could top. This of course, is quite the opposite for Sirius Orion Black. Besides the fact that whatever he does with his hair, it still seems to work for him. With an infinate number of hair tyes constantly around his wrists, (he must have multiple, they break a throughout the day because his hair is so goddamn thick and glorious.) every morning he whips his hair into a ponytail or a classic man-bun that only he could pull off. But today, Sirius had other plans. And needed The Magician to fulfill them.

"Hey Moony?" Sirius stood at the edge of the stairs to the Gryffindore common room, one hand on the back of his neck, the other deep in the pocket of his favorite black skinny jeans. Remus sat in the squishiest red velvet arm chair by the fire reading god only knows what number book it was this week. He seemed very concentrated, and Sirius felt bad disturbing him, only adding on to the nervousness he already felt. But the adorable way his Moony's eyebrows were knitted together in deep thought soothed him slightly.
"Hmm?" Remus asked, keeping a finger in the book where he left off as he closed it, leaning forward expectantly.
"I need your help with something." Why was this so difficult? It's not like your proposing... yet.
"Ok. What is it?"
"So, uh, you see I..." Dammit. The dorky little way he cocked his head did not help this situation. He cautiously walked forward.
"I, uuuhh..." Jesus Sirius spit it out. "I... Ineedhelpaskingsomeoneout." He blurted, face turning red, hand in his pocket balling into a fist. He probably knew. Of course he knew! It's not like he was great at hiding his undying love for his best mate. But surprisingly, Remus grinned.
"Alright. Who is it?"
Sirius was prepared for this question-or so he thought. He stuttered again but eventually summoned enough corage to sigh,
"Thats for me to know, and you to find out. Now, your a qualified hair genius, right? What can you do for me?" His heart was pounding. At least the hardest part was over. It wasn't as bad as he thought. He returned to his usual cocky self and plopped down on the arm on Remus's chair.
"I'm mean, not that there's much to fix about my glorious mane." He said smirking, hand closed around his bun.
"Hmmm." Remus hummed. He stood up rather abruptly, and steered Sirius into his previous seat. He stood back, hands on his hips, the same look of deep concentration as before. His tongue darted out slightly to wet his lips, a small action that always drove Sirius crazy. He stepped toward the chair and leaned forward, eyes darting around the wide-eyed face in front of him from hair to eyes, and back again. Suddenly, he pulled Sirius forward by the shoulders to the edge of the cushion and and pulled his bun out. Knealing on the floor now, he fluffed Sirius's hair, examining the dark locks thoroughly. He then stood back up.
"I hate to break it to you Pads, but that is not a mane. It's a nest." He said raising an eyebrow. Sirius gasped, clutching his chest dramaticly with a hurt look on his face.
"Remus! I thought you were better than this! I suppose I'll have to take my business elsewhere." He went to stand up, but Remus pushed him back down.
"Oh no you don't. You know I'm the only living human capable of working with" he scowled, and made a circle his his hands, jesturing to Sirius's "mane".
"Ha, but you're not human. You're a werewolf." Remus rolled his eyes.
"Shut up." He chuckled.
"Maybe shut up can be our always."
"I detest you. Now let me work." And so he began. With several intricate swishes of his wand, combs, brushes, and several instruments with longs cords and plugs that Sirius did not recognise appeared. He sat patiently as his hair was pulled and twisted in all directions.
"Remind me again what this is for?" Remus said as he slathered some kind of gel betwean his hands.
"Well you see, I'm going to talk to the person I've had a massive crush on since about 1st year and if all goes well, I'll have a date with them this weekend.
"Hmm." Was all Remus said. After several more minutes of sticking and blow drying, Remus conjured up a mirror and handed it to Sirius.
"Okey-dokey. You're good to go."
"Wow." Was all he could say. He looked into the mirror and didnt didn't see himself. What he saw was a much more handsome, (which coming from Sirius means a lot) presentable man with dark hair that for the first time in his life, was strait. It was sleek and shiny, parted neatly down the middle with two very small, intricate braids that swept on either side with the rest of the hair into the tight bun that sat just above the back of his neck. After recovering from the loss of speach, he finally said,
"I look damn hot." And grinned mischievously. Remus chuckled.
"You're welcome. Now go get 'em." He said, pulling him up and patting him on the back.
"Wish me luck." He said, marching confidently out of the room.
"Good luck!" Remus called after him. And with that, he was gone.
  Two minutes later Sirius returned with exactly nothing changed, and walked up to Remus.
"Good evening, Moony. I'm sure you're wondering why I've returned." He said rather formally.
"Indeed I do." He said, setting down his book once more.
"I've come to inquire if you would care to join me at the Three Broomsticks this weekend in Hogsmead." He said, standing tall and all fancy like. Remus's jaw dropped. All of that was for him? He sat there paralyzed, gazing at Sirius in disbelief. But why would Sirius want to look good for him? That was all swept from his mind when Sirius suddenly bent down and cupped his face in his hands, pulling him into a mind blowing kiss. Sirius Black, sex god of Hogwarts, AKA his one and only love interest ever since he stumbled into his very own train compartment in 1st year to hide from some very angery, dung covered slytherin prefects. And he was kissing him. And it was good. It was better than good. It was so sickeningly good that Remus barely had time to properly react before the warm, rough hands moved up and tagled into his hair. It was an incredible balence of passion and delicacy, but they were torn apart by the horrible obligation of breathing that came with being a person. Both panting slightly, Remus's hair now moused, he nodded. They both grinned rather sheepishly, and Sirius straitened.
"Then it's settled. Goodnight to you my good sir, and I greatly look forward to our future time together." He walked out once more, leaving Remus dazed, but possibly the happiest he's ever been in his entire life.

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