Fight Me

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Takes place when they are both around 19 years old

He was just walking home from Barnes and Noble, his favorite store, exited about his new books. Remus usually wasn't this irresponsible, but he just couldn't help himself. And anyway, it wasn't a very busy road. He looked around, checking for cars only to find none. He grinned and pulled out his book, quickly getting lost in the story. Such a rebel he was, reading and walking down the street at the same time. As he was crossing the street, he was so engrossed in his book that he barely heard to steady hum of a car speeding down that very same road. It honked it's horn and Remus briefly looked up, just in time for the car to rear on its breaks and crash into him. All he could remember was a tremendous force colliding with his side and his book flying through the air thinking, "Aww, I lost my page..."
He woke up in a hospital bed to the sound of slightly hushed voices.
"Yeah. He's lucky that car slowed down enough, could've been pretty bad." Several murmurs of agreement. He sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"What the...?" He mumbled groggily, looking down at all of the tubes and wires in his arms, and the hospital gown that just barely covered his knees. "Uh, where are my clothes." He asked. All of the nurses standing by the door walked away but one.
"We'll get them to you as soon as you're ready to be checked out. We're very sorry for the inconvenience sir." Said a nice looking woman with smile.
"And when is 'ready'?" Remus asked, slightly agitated. What was the purpose of these robes anyway? He tried to sit up, but felt pain shoot of his side and winced. Suddenly his eyes widened.
"Where is my book?" He demanded. Ah, Remus. Only you could get hit by a car and still worry if your book is undamaged.
"We're very sorry sir, but we didn't find a book with any of your other positions. What was it called? Maybe we can check if it was turned in."
"Dammit." He huffed. Remus didn't curse a lot. But when he did, he really ment it. And he was pissed.
"What happened to me?" He demanded. The woman ran her fingers through her hair, looking quite nervous.
"Well, you were hit by a speeding car and-"
"Well no shit! Now what did you people do to me?"
"Well, you had multiple small hip fractures. Very minor. It's a miracle you didn't get any significant injuries actually. But you ended up with a very quick surgery late last night. You should be good as new in no time." She smiled again. I suppose she thought this information soothed him.
"How much time is no time?" Asked rubbing the bridge of his nose, willing himself not to go ballistic on the poor woman.
"Well... we expect you'll be here for the next 21 days, at least." Three weeks couped up in a tiny hospital room?? With no real clothes and surly no visitors, he thought he might go insane. He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes.
"Ok. Thank you." He said.
"If you need anything, just press that buzzer next to your bed and we'll send someone up right away. Good night sir." She said, ducking out. This was going to be a long 3 weeks.
Remus woke up the next morning and pulled a couple of strands of hair out of him mouth. He sat up to find a breakfast tray with some greasing looking eggs, a very crunchy peice of toast, and a glass of orange juice with some ominous looking chunks in it. It sat next to a clock that read 9:47 AM. He set the tray in his lap and looked down to find that there was no coffee on it. This would not do. You could take his favorite neck pillow, vibrating back massager, and even his aroma therapy machine. But there was no way in hell he was going to let anybody take away his coffee. He slapped the buzzer on the wall rather harder than he intended and waited. Drumming his fingers on the untouched tray of food, someone finally entered the room.
"Hello sir, what can I get you?" The woman from before asked.
"Uh, coffee please. And can you bring me some cream and sugar too?"
"Of course. I'll be right back with that." She smiled and walked out. The woman came back and he accepted his coffee with a small "thanks", gulping it down quickly after she left. He set his empty mug down on the stand next to his bed and decided there was nothing better to do then to sleep. For this he would require a fort. And a noble fort it shall be.
Steeling the blankets and pillows from the empty bed next to him, he arranged them into a humungus pile, somehow managing to bury himself under all of it. Laying on his stomach with only his head poking out, he sighed. If only he had his book with him. Just as he was getting comfortable, someone walked into the room and cleared their throat. It was not the woman from before, but a man.
"Excuse me sir, but I'm here to check up on you, see if everything is ok. Would you mind answering some questions? It's mandatory." Questions? Oh hell no. He was already fully submerged! He was not giving up that level of comfort for some questions regarding his health. He groaned.
"Fight me." He grumbled, screwing his eyes shut in hopes that the man would disappear. But he only chuckled.
"Maybe later. I'll leave this here for you." And he set a clipboard down next to the empty mug.
"I'm gonna need another one of those." He grumbled after a pause.
"I'll get that for you. But you're gonna have to fill that out while Im gone." Another groan. The man smirked and moved the clipboard onto the bed right in front of Remus's face, and walked out. He never got a look at the man. All he knew was that he had large hands and a very nice voice. He huffed, finally removing his arms from the mountain, and scribbling answers on the paper such as "No, I have not been seeing spots."
The door opened again and the man entered.
"Here you go." He said, setting another mug down on the table. Remus nudged the clipboard forward with his finger, the only part of himself besides the tip of his nose protruding from his cocoon. A muffled "thanks" could be heard from a small cave we can only assume is where his head lay, and shooed the he-nurse away with his finger. He chuckled once more, and left.
A week later, nothing changed. The same schedule every day. Wake up, stare at breakfast tray, ask for coffee, sleep, lunch, ask for more coffee, sleep, dinner, sleep. Until one morning, the man returned with the same clipboard as the first time.
"Good morning, Mr. Lupin. We have you fill out a health evaluation every week, just for your safety and well being. Would you like me to leave it here and come back?" Oh god. Another. When will the torture end?
"Fight me." He said rolling over into his back into a starfish position. He had kicked off all of the blankets from his bed and now lay staring at the ceiling.
"I would, but you'd kick my ass. I'll be back for this at noon." He smiled and set the clipboard onto the bedside table. He was just through the door when there was a "wait" and he spun back around to face the bed.
"Anything else you need?" He asked.
"Could you get me a coffee, please?" Remus said, still staring at the ceiling.
"Of course." And he walked out. Remus smiled. These health-and safety-questionares weren't so bad after all.
Another week went by, same as last. Same dayly events. Same full, smily nurses. But nothing to look forward to accept those weekly checkups, and today's would be his last before he went home. He began to wonder why he looked forward to those quizzes so much. But he soon discovered that it wasnt at all the quizzes, but the visits from the man who delivered them. He also discovered that he never really got a good look at the man, and that would have to change today. As soon as 10:00 o'clock came around, Remus was ready. When the door opened, he sat up.
"Hello sir-"
"Questions, madetory, I get it. Just gimme the clipboard." He said, and looked at him for the first time. He was shocked at how incredibly beautiful he was. He had dark, curly hair that was pulled into a loose ponytail, and his name tag read "Sirius". Remus had heard something about a constalation called Sirius in a space documentary once. It was in the shape of a dog. But whatever. The guy was super cute.
"And I assume you'll be wanting a coffee?" He smiled.
"Mmhm." He nodded, and handed him the clipboard.
"Great. I'll be right back." And he left again. Satisfied with his new discovery of Sirius's name, he smiled softly and turned over into his other side, facing away until Sirius came back.
"There you are. Hope you had a nice stay and have a safe trip home." he smiled and left. Remus had forgotten completely that this was his last day here. Overall, he was very exited to get home to his cozy apartment. But he had to admit, he would be a little disappointed to leave Sirius. Ok, more than a little. He would be devastated to never see him again, but there was nothing he could do about it. He reached for his coffee and took a sip when a piece if paper that was stuck to the bottom fell into his lap. He picked it up and saw that written on it was "Fight me?" And underneath was Sirius's phone number. Remus grinned. Not such a bad three weeks after all.

Hells yeah. I got this idea from the picture up top. This one kinda sucked too but anyway, I'm going to sleep. And in the wise words of Charlie Bradberry, peace out, bitches.

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