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Waiting for someone to be her savior, engulfed in darkness, with no one and nowhere to go. Her life was one filled with nothingness, her insanity was increasing whilst she stayed in this horrid prison. Her mind was filled with curiosity, only imagining the outside world. What adventures were out there? The prison seemed almost impossible to escape. But, did she try? Was she just waiting? Not thinking about the possibility she could save herself? Maybe her life was all a dream, and all she had to do was wake up.

"Help?" She cried out, her voice bouncing off the walls.

She knew there was no chance someone could hear her, but she needed to try. Could she save herself? Could she just sit back and watch time pass by? She wanted to escape, she needs to.

She needed meaning for her life, what is life without a purpose? Sadness and pain ran through her veins. She...snapped. a deafening scream was released from her lungs, cracking the ground at the bottom of her feet. Her eyes glistened as the tears streamed from her face, dripping onto the ground, landing on the ground between the cracks.

She opened her eyes, noticing the cracks. She inspected the area, she then got on her knees and began to punch the ground, it began to break with every attack. She fell through and landed into another room, looking down and spotted a key. This is where her journey begins, will she survive the horrors waiting for her? Will she ever escape? Or will she forever be trapped?

Dedications no one asked for;

vandypig jackieschan ROYALTEA- CreamyBeige atoliviaann cherrybombs- anticlimaticalex -acciodraco astrobubblish acciobucky-

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